My computer is protected by Norton ? I had a worm virus or something attack it. My internet was out so my only recourse was to phone them. Big mistake, after 7hours on hold, no answer. So trying the other numbers (everyone you talk to has a different one) on my cell I get a guy who understands me and he gives me a number that enables me to talk to a person. Against my better judgement, I give up my slot in line to call this new number. By now my computer screen is full of different pages asking this and that and telling me I'm not protected, give me your credit card and we will protect you from us. So I call this new number and get [Removed] in India who informs me that she knows this virus and that Norton is well aware of it. My response is, then why isn't my computer protected from it? She informs me that for $139.99 she will rid my computer of this menace. I tell her that after 8hours on the phone, free tech support is going to cost me 140 dollars??? So she tells me that she can can transfer me back to the other line and I can wait for another tech support person. Wait another 8+ hours or pay and argue with them later. So after 8hours I cave in and pay the highway robbery fees to get my free tech support 24hrs a day 7 days a week as advertised. Then at 3 clock my computer is virus free for 7 days guaranteed . Then I call up and try and explain to them the situation and they said no deal you agreed to pay. Their response is Too bad, jerk, you should have waited in line and taken a day off...........or maybe 2 days???? I have had Norton for years and it took this situation to make me realize that their customers are nothing to them. Otherwise they would have stopped this known virus before it took over my computer.......... maybe yours is next.......and that me as a customer of theirs for many years (20) means nothing to them.
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