Vineeth wrote:
Here is a bit info about Norton DNS:
Thanks Vineeth for the link, seems like the scammers have cashed in on this page! Here's what Norton say;
Correct typos
Browse faster with common domain typo correction (i.e. to Part of the benefit of Norton DNS is that users get guidance vs. a useless error page with no information. When an address is mistyped, the Norton DNS service offer the users the right link and/or links that they are likely to be interested in.
I decided to try the Norton DNS example above, ie:miss-spelling ( here's what happened next!
Oh wow.., I've won a prize!!!
Some woman on the Amazon website just spoke to me over my pc speaker and told me I've won something!! Holy crap.., that makes a nice change, it must be for real it's on the Amazon website!
Looks like Norton DNS is a BIG piece of crap!! It didn't protect me at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
The most annoying thing is that for the first tiem ever, I've fallen for a scam! I've even parted with my address and phone number!
Screen shot of Amazon window and prize announcement below.

Next Window:

Next window appears after making your selection above!

Also notice above that the Norton ID Safe bar across the top of the window looks fake and nasty and the text is rough around the edges. I didn't use ID Safe as it looked too suspicious!!
After this page your taken into a lengthy survey asking you to enrol in this that and the other and some questions in the small print it says they will charge you £1.50 per text message they send you and you will be billed continuously until you tell them to stop!!!!!!!
I haven't been able to verify this survey with Amazon as their phone lines are closed after 8pm
Not sure what to do or who to speak too really.