Does Norton AntiVirus Plus scan installed drivers for malware?


I would like to know if Norton AntiVirus scans all drivers on the computer for malware? The reason I am asking is that a while ago, I received an email that stated the person had gotten a driver with a Trojan horse, which changed signature every 4 hours, on my pc and wanted me to pay them in bitcoins. I deleted the email as I considered it scam, but it did made me worry none the less.  Thus I would really like to know if AntiVirus Plus scans the drivers on my pc to check if any of them are bad?

You are welcome. Glad we could help.


Thanks for the answers, both of you.

Where does Windows store Device Drivers?

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for example:

Scan Statistics:
  Scan Start:
   Local: 8/9/2023 4:26 PM
   UTC: 8/9/2023 8:26 PM
  Scan Time: 36 seconds
  Scan Targets: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository
   Total items scanned: 4,037
   - Files & Directories: 4,037
   - Registry Entries: 0
   - Processes & Startup Items: 0
   - Network & Browser Items: 0
   - Other: 0
   - Trusted Files: 343
   - Skipped Files: 9

   Total security risks detected: 0
   Total items resolved: 0
   Total items that require attention: 0

Resolved Threats:
No risks have been resolved

Good to know. Just a final thing I would like to know. Under which category of scanned elements are device drivers in? Filers and Folders?

My answer above still stands. A full system scan checks for all drivers on your hard drive and in your computers system memory.

I just considered there might have been a slightly miscommunication as English is not my first language. When I wrote 'drivers' I meant as device drivers (in my native language those are just called drivers), so the question is if Norton AntiVirus Plus scanned all device drivers to check if any of them contains/is malware?

Running a full system scan on your computer will scan all drivers.

That email is almost certainly a scam. If there had been an infection of your system, you would have seen some strange behaviour. Your deleting the email was the best course of action.