Download folder

The web interface should have the capability to download multiple files at once.  If I'm on a different computer than usual, and need to quickly get to my files, I shouldn't have to download each one individually.  Just adding a download option under the Actions drop-down would be ideal.  I've ran into this a number of times, and enough people look to use the web interface to make it worth it. 

The web interface should have the capability to download multiple files at once.  If I'm on a different computer than usual, and need to quickly get to my files, I shouldn't have to download each one individually.  Just adding a download option under the Actions drop-down would be ideal.  I've ran into this a number of times, and enough people look to use the web interface to make it worth it. 

I would be comfortable with it being zipped.



Thats a good idea.

I hope this gets implemented specially on scenarios where you don't want to download the Zone APP on PC and you want to download multiple FILES / FOLDERS from the Zone Website.. ie Pictures, Music or PDFs I hope this gets implemented Soon