Download Manager stops after 31%

I've a Packard Bell PC running Vista Home Premium. I access the internet via a dial-up connection. My ISP is Orange.

I currently have NIS2010 installed and up until today it (& Live update) has been working fine. Today, Live update "Failed to complete". On the error page I clicked on 'tech support' and was taken to a screen that advised me that problems have been fixed in the latest version of NIS (2011). And from there - via 'Upgrade me now' & 'verify my installation' I installed Download Manager.

When I run Download Manager the progress bar progresses but only until it reaches 31%. All the while the time remaining hovers about 8 minutes. But once the 31% has been reached the progress bar does not move though the time remaining increases minute by minute !!

Help what's occuring ?

How long should Download Manager take to download/install NIS2011 ?

Thanks in advance


I've a Packard Bell PC running Vista Home Premium. I access the internet via a dial-up connection. My ISP is Orange.

I currently have NIS2010 installed and up until today it (& Live update) has been working fine. Today, Live update "Failed to complete". On the error page I clicked on 'tech support' and was taken to a screen that advised me that problems have been fixed in the latest version of NIS (2011). And from there - via 'Upgrade me now' & 'verify my installation' I installed Download Manager.

When I run Download Manager the progress bar progresses but only until it reaches 31%. All the while the time remaining hovers about 8 minutes. But once the 31% has been reached the progress bar does not move though the time remaining increases minute by minute !!

Help what's occuring ?

How long should Download Manager take to download/install NIS2011 ?

Thanks in advance


Thanks AllenM for your prompt reply.

Your questions:

NIS2010 version is

Vista Home Premium is 32bit and has all upgrades so I presume I have the latest Service Pack.

Clicking Help & Support > Get Support didn't find any problems on the scan and didn't have appropriate questions.

Yes I'm using (or trying to use) Norton Download Manager got from this website.

Have tried again (via Download Manager) but still get the 31% stoppage.

Dial-up is not dropping out (can access other internet simultaneously) it seems the download is hanging. (also I don't have a time-out on my dial-up).


Hope this helps.

I'm quite a novice really and am concerned at the number of steps you've outlined and am worried about getting into a mess but if this is what I have to do I will.

Best regards

Hello BazzaS


It looks like a long and complicated process, but in reality, it really isn't that long or complicated process. It looks like it has many steps in the process, but none of the steps takes very long to complete. If you can, try printing out  Allen's instructions so that you have them in front of you or take a screen shot of it and put it on your desktop and then print out the instructions if you are hesitant in remembering and being able to follow the instructions. Please do let us know how you made out. Thanks.

Hi BazzaS,


It really isn't as complicated as it looks and I recommend it because you are having problems with your current version of NIS 2010. Even if the download manager does complete at long last, attempting to install over the top of 2010 may result in you continuing to have problems.


The only way to ensure a clean install is to use the removal tool as specified in the procedure I posted above.


You might want to start with attempting to download NIS 2011 via the direct link and see if this works better for you than the download manager.


The file is about 92 Meg so it will take quite some time on a dial-up. Again the above link is for the English version so please let me know if you need a different language.


Best wishes.


Hi BazzaS,


The problem is with Orange.  There have been several threads on the issue opened in the past couple of days.  A workaround is to change your DNS settings to another service as suggested here:

Thank you to all posters for this topic.

It was a successful, 6 cigarette solution.

Great to be safe again !

