Drop support for Firefox

I suggest Norton drop support for Firefox. 

If they can't offer a more secure browser without constantly updating it to fix things they should have fixed before, and as a result are making the AV companies chase their security fixes (?)  in order to make the AV's add-ons work properly, then a joint effort is required from the AV companies to let Mozilla do it's own thing.

As a dedicated Internet Explorer user, I am actually getting a kick out of all the situations over the last few years with the continuous Firefox 6 week upgrade cycle, Norton and others jumping through hoops to make things compatible, and then listening to Norton users complain that something they paid for doesn't work and is slow in being updated to work with the craziness Firefox is presenting.

Of course this post is being made very tongue in cheek,  hopefully appearing to be me playing the devil's advocate, but it is also my honest feelings.  I'm not saying I have never experienced a situation caused by IE (mostly setting changes), but I have enjoyed the use of both my Local and Online Vaults during the many fiascos of others chasing Firefox.

Perhaps I should also add that I don't even have Chrome installed on any of my systems, so I can (and will) not speak to that browser.

Now, everyone tell me how crazy this old man's Product Suggestion is. angel