I have a client who sent a marketing message to existing customers from his email address. The message was simply:
Dear Todd:
The Electric Service Co., Inc. has been helping companies with their transformer needs since 1912. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for immediate shipment of new dry type and oil filled transformers.
ELSCO manufactures highly efficient ventilated dry type transformers utilizing copper windings and a circular coil construction. Units stocked range from 500 KVA through 3000 KVA .
Further augmenting our service is our repair department. Among the pioneers in rebuilding transformers, ELSCO utilizes the latest technological advances in materials and design.
Call if you have any questions.
The message given on his blocked emails was:
"This is the mail delivery agent at messagelabs.com.
I was unable to deliver your message to the following addresses:
Reason: 554 rejected due to spam content
The message subject was: Electric Service Transformers The message date was: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 11:58:33 -0400 The message identifier was: DA/C5-07016-BA5AA955 The message reference was: server-15.tower-54.messagelabs.com!1436198314!12666807!1
Please do not reply to this email as it is sent from an unattended mailbox.
Please visit www.messagelabs.com/support for more details about this error message and instructions to resolve this issue."
However, the above link does not work? What is the correct URL to get his email addressed removed from the list.
Thank you.