I set up onlinefamily.norton on three computers yesterday and tested all three of my kids accounts to see if it was working. When I reviewed the online logs everything looked good (even though I did not see the amount of time each computer was used.) I went to sites that were to be blocked and they were blocked and I sent requests to unblock them and explanations. This also looked good online. However, I have received no email notifications to either email account I had set up.
I read this forum and found others having similar issues. I checked my spam filter and it is not on. I am using 2 comcast email accounts. Since these did not receive emails, I added a yahoo and a gmail account for notifications. These accounts have also received no notifications.
Please let me know what I can do to get the email notifications to work.
I set up onlinefamily.norton on three computers yesterday and tested all three of my kids accounts to see if it was working. When I reviewed the online logs everything looked good (even though I did not see the amount of time each computer was used.) I went to sites that were to be blocked and they were blocked and I sent requests to unblock them and explanations. This also looked good online. However, I have received no email notifications to either email account I had set up.
I read this forum and found others having similar issues. I checked my spam filter and it is not on. I am using 2 comcast email accounts. Since these did not receive emails, I added a yahoo and a gmail account for notifications. These accounts have also received no notifications.
Please let me know what I can do to get the email notifications to work.
I checked all four email accounts and they are correct. One is a yahoo account, one is gmail, and two are comcast accounts. I am still not receiving any notifications. Additionally, I checked that I wanted notifications for everything.
I would be more than happy to setup a remote desktop access and work together with you on this. You're welcome to send me a private message or an email for details. You can find my email address at http://community.norton.com/norton/profile?user.id=15038