Email received entitled "Lifelock 360 via Docusign" Is this a scam?

I received an email from “LifeLock 360 via Docusign” with subject of “Delivery Property Detached”. Is this a scam or should I open it?

Detailed description:

Product & version number:

OS details:

What is the error message you are seeing?

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

Hello @Joyce_Novak

Hello @Joyce_Novak
Please post progress

Sender of suspected email:
Craig L. Bradley via DocuSign
To: fcngb4355

The later is NOT my email!
Based on that error, I deleted the message.

At the bottom, Craig L. Bradley with email

trashed with no response from me.
Just alerting all to a scam.

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I received one also. Said I was charged $618.63. I better not be charged.

@Lillie_Merrill As Guru bjm posted check the e-mail address of the message you received at the link here:

If the e-mail on your message/e-mail is NOT on this list ignore the message, trash it and do NOT follow any links nor call any numbers on that message. Its a scam.