.eml extension

I recently used Norton's scan for 1st time. I can NOT now access e-mail messages from friends or family, which come across with .eml extensions. Prior to the use of Norton, I never had aproblem with these messages. What do I need to do in order to correct this problem?? Thank you.

I am using Norton Security Suite V5.1.0.29 supplied through Comcast. I access internet through Windows 7 Internet Explorer

I am the client?!?


I hope this will help...........

Client = WIndows Mail, Outlook Express, Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.


Need to know which you use.

Sorry.................Windows Mail is what I use.


Thanks for your patience.

Hi Munner,


See if the suggestions here help:


How to Associate .EML Files and Attachments with Windows Mail or Outlook Express

This suggestion was of no help. It did not give instructions for Windows Live, so I was unable to follow it to a solution. Could you suggest any other possibility? As previously mentioned, I discovered the files being forwarded to me seem to be the .eml files I cannot open. I found that .eml files in Live is checked to be usable, but ever since running the Norton Scan, am unable to access. Appreciate any help you can give.

That suggestion given works no matter what email client you use, just choose WLM instead of WM.

Or you could try Control Panel>Default Programs>Set associations scroll down till you see .eml & double click on it, that should give you the choice of WLM. I have Vista so it may be different under Win 7. :womanhappy:

This is what the file association looks like in Win7.  My .eml extersion is associated with Windows Live Mail (WLM).



Nikki605: thanx for your reply, HOWEVER, I went into the site you referenced and the only E-mail extension there is .email with current default of msnmapi. This would have been what I used when under MSN mail prior to them cutting ties with Verizon. I have been on Windows Live for almost a year now and my email extension has been .eml. After setting up Norton's program that came bundled with a Comcast deal where I have internet, phone and cable with them, I suddenly can no longer access any e-mails forwarded to me by others. The ONLY changes made to my computer is initiating and scanning with Norton. Prior to that I was only using the Microsoft Security Essentials that came with Windows 7. I have tried many suggestions from your techs, to no avail so far. I am at the point I would like to go back the way things were prior to initiating Norton. I have heard this is possible, but have never done that before and will have to find someone who can walk me through it. If there are any further suggestions you might have, I welcome them and would be willing to give this problem one more shot. H E L P ! ! ! Thanx for letting me vent and for your assistance.

I recently used Norton's scan for 1st time. I can NOT now access e-mail messages from friends or family, which come across with .eml extensions. Prior to the use of Norton, I never had aproblem with these messages. What do I need to do in order to correct this problem?? Thank you.

Hi Munner,


Just reliezed this thread concerned Comcast.


How did you remove MSE prior to installing Comcast's Norton Security Suite?  Did you remove MSE via the Control Panel > Programs& Features and also run the Fix It Tool found here  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2435760 prior to installng NSS?


It is imperative to get rid of every bit of a former security program in order to avoid possible conflicts with Norton.


Please check the Programs & Features and see if by chance MSE is still installed.  If not and you did not manually cleran up after it ws removed, run the Fix It tool and see if that makes a difference.  If not we may have to remove, run the NRT and reinstall NSS - but we'll cross that bridge when we get  answers for the above.


We'll be awaiting your reply.



Thanx for your reply and suggestions, Yank. I have uninstalled MSE from my computer. It no longer shows under Programs. Since the uninstall seems complete, I hesitate to go any further with manual directions since it involves registry. I have never messed with registry since I've heard you can really mess up your computer if you don't know what you are doing. I went back to WLM to see if I could open some of the forwarded .eml files.................i can NOT! Await your next instructions.

Hi Munner,


I understand you being leary about mesing around in the registry and that's ok to feel that way.  Many folks just jump in and mess up their systems - so being cautious is good.


If you look at the link I provided above,  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2435760  about 1/3 of the way down the page there is a Fix It link that will do the job automatically - just follow the instructions for the Fix It and the registry editing is not necessary.  The Fix It link will take care of removing whatever the uninstall of MSE missed.


If you try it,let us know the results.



or http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2483120 for MSE v2

I followed your instructions on previously sent e-mail to remove any "left-behind" files. I don't remember what version of MSE I had so didn't know if I should go ahead and use that link as well. Also, since you mentioned that there might be a conflict with MSE and Norton Suite, I recalled I also had Malwarebytes installed. I uninstalled it as well to avoid any conflicts there. I then went back into one of my forwarded e-mails with the .eml extension.....I still CANNOT open it. I am still confused as to why I don't have the .eml extension in the "Set Associations" window referenced by nikki605 (?) this morning. How will I incorporate that file into that window in order to select it as the proper default extension for Windows Live Mail??? Back to you, with a great deal of thanks for your patience with me.

Seems like a common problem.

Skip the suggestion near the top about removing and reinstalling windows live, go down to where it shows how to do a repair.





Dave H.

FINALLY!!!!! You came up wih the RIGHT solution!! Having noticed there were quite a few entries, I fielded through them and found a reference to a "ruhrrrrr" (not sure of spelling) who came up with a workable solution. Many of the other entries were people who were displeased with original solution. I very much appreciate finally getting to  and your supplying the right link to solve my problem. Many, many thanks for all the attempts by others and especially to you.

Gratefully, Munner