Have NSS through Comcast. Have been getting this message about once a month for more than two years. This computer is a HP Pavilion G7.
I got it twice today. Once before and one after performing Live Update. The closest I can come to a reason for "Error: 3048, 3" is that live update or some other NSS function found a busy Norton server. If there's a busy server, shouldn't the software be able to describe the issue with that information?
This is a persistent error which is annoying, uninformative and takes you to a help script that ultimately has you uninstall and reinstall NSS. What that tells me is that either this is a poorly labeled error or that nobody has a clue what causes it.
By the way, Live Update yells me I'm up to date. Full Scan found no threats. Tune-up found no registry errors. There were several temporary files removed, but NO THREATS.
In any program I wrote I'd have an event dump function so that, if my error handlers and detectors found an issue that could not be described and/or fixed would take a dump and make it available for analysis.
Please help before I take the next logical action and change products.
Then if still no joy you should run the Norton Removal Tool as explained at the bottom of the above link. Please note, even if the RnRT runs to completeion, if it does not fix your situation continue with the instuctins for the NRT.
Thank You for this information. Unfortunatley I have already completed these tasks as I found your instructions in another forum concerning this. Once this proccess was complete, the message still returned.
Thank You for this information. Unfortunatley I have already completed these tasks as I found your instructions in another forum concerning this. Once this proccess was complete, the message still returned.
Just to confirm, you did a complete uninstall using the Norton Removal Tool, then downloaded and installed a fresh copy of 360?
Download the Norton Removal Tool from here www.norton.com/nrt If you use Identity Safe, backup/export your data. Run the Norton Removal Tool. Reboot. Log into your Norton Account from here www.account.norton.com Click on the Download button beside your current product subscription. This will download and install a preactivated copy of your product. Run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available. Import your Identity Safe data.
I am afraid that this problem has been going on for a week now on my laptop. Full erasure, install, reinstall, ... Forgotten everything we have tried. Initially Norton 360 would work for a couple of days after reinstall and then get the error again. Now, it seems to be only hours.
Chat support hasn't helped resolve the problem either. The problem is that login safe along with Firefox locks up Firefox and I am forced to reboot to continue using the machine. I really want a fix.
After using the removal tool and reinstalling, I went through a sequence of liveupdates and reboots until there were no more updates.
Just when it looked like things were settling down, I received "8504,5". In the community discussion related to this error, a couple of participants talk of it possibly be caused by Firefox and Google updates. When I went to start Firefox, it wouldn't start so I am entering this through Internet Explorer.
I have for a while now disliked the way every Windows application installs its little startup program for updates or fast loading or whatever. If Firefox or Google are the cause of this then I also partly lay the blame with Microsoft and its poor OS architecture that helps cause crappy programming.
The instructions from Norton are to go through the reinstall process. Back to square one. Since this is the xth install this week and I am not making much progress, it looks like another call to Norton support is coming up.
At least through here, I have documented the sequence of errors and actions.
I decided to reboot without reinstalling and then do liveupdates. Three reboots and live updaes later, there were no more updates so I began to use the system.
Everything seemed to be working fine until I sarted Firefox. It asked me to setup the login vault which I declined and then got a "System Restart Needed" if I click either the "Vault Closed" or "Login Assistant". The as if triggered by Firefox, Norton popped up "Error: 11006, 2".
Norton 360 Error: 11006, 2 Windows 7 Home Premium 7601.17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030 Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)
Now, I have been here before but I am thinking that Firefox and the Norton Toolbar are no longer working together. So what version of Firefox works? The version of Firefox on this machine is 15.0.1. The version of Norton 360 is I am not sure why but I had problems with Norton earlier on this machine that needed a reinstall and updated the version of Norton.
Our other machine hasn't had problems so is running Firefox 15.0.1 but is still on Norton 360 I will not be updating the version of Norton on this machine until this problem is resolved.
I am going to work through a process of disabling the web features of Norton in Firefox (particularly the login safe and see what happens).
I think that I am convinced that my problems stem from the use of the identity safe in Norton in Firefox. somewhere in Norton's versions, it no longer works with Firefox.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox?
No, I had not considered that. In part because I rely heavily on tabs but I will consider doing it when I have some time to ensure that I have backed up the book marks and tabs. I lost all my logins stored in the identity safe so I don't really want to lose my links.
hi all i to have just had this error come up but in my case this is a new computer which has just been built. the only thing i have done is install norton 360 and updated it and bang this error came up. i never had any problems with 360 v6.0 it was perfect so lets hope this is just a random error and nothing bad.
ps not the best thing to see on a new build after getting it home from the shop :(
Last night I had Norton technicians looked at my machine. After a reinstall that didn't fix the problem, they claimed the problem was out of date video device drivers. I have just installed the latest NVIDIA drivers and have just started Firefox. I will update my post once I have checked Norton and identity safe.
Just went to open identity safe in Firefox and got the "System needs restarted" message and the Norton threw an 11006, 2 message. I am going to reinstall Firefox and Norton now.
Firefox and Norton reinstalled but the identity safe won't open. Rebooting to can attempted login to the identity safe.
Reboot has allowed me to access the identity safe and things look ok for the moment. If this does fix the problems then what have I done?
1) Updated the Video Drivers
2) Unistalled both Norton 360 and Firefox
3) Made sure there were no remnants of either programs in the program directories (identity safe didn't seem to be uninstalled) so I forced an uninstall.
4) Reinstalled Norton 360
5) Reinstalled Firefox
Am I confident the problems are solved? No.
Ok, the technicians saind that Norton 360 2013 was only released on 4 September and it seems they are aware of the problems. The latest version doesn't have a local identity safe. Not sure I am that keen on a cloud based identity safe.
Conversion from the old safe to the new seems unreliable forcing an reinitialise of the safe but Norton tells me they are working on a fix. I wish the install had warned me of the change.
We will see over the next few days how stable this is.
I have again disabbled the identity safe simply because it makes my system more stable not to have it switched on. I am trying to contact the Norton Case Manager but the email that I was given doesn't seem to be working.
hello again i had my system on for about 15 hours and didnt get anymore problems with norton 360. All i can think of is theres still afew problems with v7 as you said its only been out for afew weeks. i have done scan after scan and nothing has come up bad the only thing i can see was norton fixed a install problem. Never had any problems with v6 so its kind of a shame its happen now with v7. I will be keeping a eye on things and will update.
Any Windows program has to interact with every program or driver on a user's system. When the developers test, they will usually have the latest updates to everything on their system. If things work for them, they cannot possibly test on every one of the millions of possible combinations of hardware and software.
So yes. We are all testers when software first comes out. Only through our complaints and comments are the developers aware there is a problem. This is why corporations will wait until at least SP1 of an OS or program before deploying.
This is also why you may have multiple computers in your control and only have trouble with one.
I am not sure what is happening but Norton 360 seems to close its interface at regular intervals and when it does the identity safe no longer works in the browsers. Message is that the system needs restarted. Restarting the Norton interface and logging back into the identity safe seems to make it work again in the browsers.
Norton just closed down and from the tool bar in Google Chrome, I tried to access the settings and received a "Error: 11006, 2". Starting Norton 360 from the menu makes everything work again.
Norton setting panel just closed while I was trying to work with it. Started again when I went through the menus. Trying to find out how to enable the IE Norton tool bar. Doesn't even appear as an option in IE's manage addons.
Norton 360 wasn't allowing me into the browser settings option and then closed. When I tried to restart it, I just received an "Error: 8504, 5". It now looks like I need to reboot the system.
Something is really unstable in the product. I notice that updates are coming through almost by the minute. it is also continuing to close itself even with the identity safe closed.