In step 2 "Enable the Base Filtering Engine service", I could not find Base Filtering Sevice in the list of names.
If you are still having trouble finding the service (on an XP SP2 or later system), please run a SFC scan.
Click on START and type in cmd in the Start search box at the bottom of the Start menu. Right click on the cmd.exe at the top of the find list (where all the program short cuts used to be listed) and select "Run as administrator" . In the User Account Control click "continue". In the new Command Prompt window
Type SFC /SCANNOW and press ENTER.
Follow the prompts (if any) and once this is finished, reboot your system. Then try and find the service again.
Please contact Norton Support through LiveChat:
The Support will be able to resolve this issue for you.
are you going to fix it or not?Just fix it!My subscrition is running out and as of now I will never purchase your product if you do not fix this!
In step 2 "Enable the Base Filtering Engine service", I could not find Base Filtering Sevice in the list of names.
Hi, kcdoug,
This issue is caused by a known problem in Windows, introduced by a recent Microsoft Update, which affects some configurations. The Norton folks are certainly trying to develop a workaround--and I would certainly understand, if they hadn't found one by some point, if you switched to a lesser product that was unaffected (since more robust protection that won't run on your machine still leaves you unprotected). But your anger seems misdirected, when it's another company that hosed things up.
Have you tried the workaround that Microsoft has offered, which has been documented in several other threads here? It's complicated and dificult to follow (as one might expect from them!) but several of the folks here have developed detailed instructions--illustrated with screenshots--to help people through it.
Error: “5013,3″ appears on my Norton 2011 product
This issue is started after a new updated released by Microsoft.
There is one more issue assosiated with this problem. In most of the cases there is one infection is detected in the computers.
2. Win 7 Internet Security 2012
Enable the Base Filtering Engine service
- Click the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Run.
- In the Run dialog box, type the following text:
- Click OK.
If you receive the User Account Control prompt, click Yes or Continue.
- In the Services window, under the Name column, locate and double-click Base Filtering Engine.
- To the right of Startup type, verify that Automatic appears.
If Startup type is not Automatic, then in the drop-down list, click Automatic.
- To the right of Service Status, verify that Started appears.
If the Service status is not Started, then click Start.
- Click OK.
- Exit the Services window.
- Restart the computer.
If the above one is not working try the following registry Fix.
Registry editing for Turn On the Base Filtering Engine.
Download the fix for 64 Bit OS
Download the fix for 32 Bit OS
Save the file on your desktop. Rename the file as BFE.reg
Open the Registry Run-->Type REGEDIT and press on Ok.
Now you will get a Registry Editor. Click on the File Menu in the Registry Editor and press on Import. Locate the file BEF.reg on the desktop. Press on Open. –> Yes -> Ok.
Now restart the computer. After that go to the registry once again and go to the location
HKLM\System\Current control set\services\BFE
Right Click –> Permission –> Advance –> Add — > Everyone
Now restart the computer. The issue will be fixed now.