Error: “3039,1” after you install a Norton 2010 product
To fix this problem, uninstall and reinstall your Norton product. Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to uninstall your Norton product.
Your system prompted me via to upgrade my software. I did so and your upgrade process has now trashed my installation and God only knows what else requiring an unistall rininstall of my original intenet security.
Then, after filling out your “One Click Support”, I click the “Continue” button and nothing happens.
Your web site contact us page states"Symantec wants to hear from you. Whether you are a home customer, business customer, member of the press, investor, analyst, or prospective partner, we are here to serve your needs.
Please use the information on this page to locate the appropriate contact options for your situation."
When I attempted to contact your customer service from this page, all I end up with is the Technical Support faq page which gives the response:
Error Messages for Norton Internet Security 2010
Please click on the topic that most closely reflects your needs.
There are no reported errors at this time.
I WANT TO REGISTER A COMPLAINT! YOUR AUTOMATED UPGRADE TRASHED MY WORKING NIS 2009. Your “One Click Support” did not work. Your contact customer service web page, does not work.
Reading through the messages in the community, I see that I have to run the Norton Removal Tool 2 or three times, rebooting in between each run. THEN, it may not succeed. The solution being to restore the computer to a point prior to the bad upgrade. God only knows what I am going to have to reinstall after the restore!
Am I mad, yes. Your company prompted me to do this. You have now caused me untold hours of non productive work to get it back to where it was a couple of hours ago, and I may or may not get the NIS 2009 I bought to run again!
Based on this experience, I will uninstall your “upgrade”, install my original 2009 version, and when the subscription runs out, I will NOT renew it.