Yesterday, I purchased Norton Online Backup - what a mistake. I have had 4 backup failures with error codes A2203 & W32. I started last night, and just now had my 4th failure. To make things worse, Norton told me that 25G was not enough, so I had to purchase 10 more.
How do I get my money back?
My computer just went through the recovery process and is totally clean. It is a Sony Vaio Laptop operating with Windows 7.
Hello Ronlesa,
The two errors you are receiving are local to your PC and will likely occur with any backup software you try to use online. The W32 error tells us that you that one or more of the files needed for backup are locked in use by another process. Sometimes this is from the security software settings on your PC and can be corrected. The A2203 error is from finding a file that is unable to backup. Possibly in how it was written to the drive on your computer. Usually as scan disc of the C drive will correct this issue. If you are still having issues please contact Norton Customer Support for further assistance.