Every time after windows is starting a smart scan runs

Hi there,
every time after windows is starting with the new norton 306 app (version 24) a smart scan runs, although I’ve turned all scans to manually. This behavior only occurs after updating to the new version. How can I stop that? A workaround is to go to Smart Scan menu and interrupt the scan.

Windows 10 latest version including updates

And you’ve confirmed that Smart Scan is Run manually > Save?
Please try Preset scans Smart | Quick | Full as Run manually > Save…as test.

Definitley yes. And doing that again and again. And as I’ve posted: ALL Scans are set to manually!

head scratch
I’m not seeing (afaik) as you describe…my side.
Presumably, you’ve run Restart (not Shut down) machine.

And otherwise 24.8 feels okay?

I did clean reinstall 24.8 on my dust collector machine.
Then I clean reinstalled 24.8 on my daily rider.

I’ll need to monitor my machine starts.

Well, “all” standard procederes I’ve done, because I am really experienced in software / hardware including an MCSE (just a few years ago …). A clean install was not on my list, because this shouldn’t be an option with an upgrade procedere with “Live Update”. 24.8 is working except the startup behavior …

But there are some posts (but with Win 7 I hink …) where similar problems have been reported

Maybe a registry key to avoid a smart scan?

just mention as an aside
I’ve not finding how to stop Software Updater runs.

you can disable software updateren if you go in in the software updater ther is a point right coner wher you can enable ore disable auto run that might help