Originally posted this in the NIS forum but it was suggested that I raise it too in Product Suggestions, even though I feel it's more of a discrepancy than a suggestion...
To also cut down on duplication, the discrepancy is discussed at detail here so I don't want to duplicate the whole thread...
When I use NIS 2011 and disable Automatic Program Control for granularity, I could just 'allow this instance' for firefox.exe to go out and that would not prompt again for the duration of that browsing session, no matter what websites, domains and ports were accessed.
Just tried Program Control on NIS 2012 right through to NIS 2014 and I noticed that unlike NIS 2011, NIS 2012 ~ 2014 would ask 20-50 times for the same .exe to be allowed access to the different website domains, subdomains, IP addresses and ports that it was making browsing totally unusable. The prompts were constant.
If I have several tabs open, the Program Control prompts would continue on for 50-60+ maybe more, and often repeatedly for the same website and various local addresses. I know NIS is only asking for permission for each and every change but surely there is an easier way of allowing one instance of a browsing session without having to create a rule to allow all destinations for that .exe?
As per the original thread, it feels more like "Domain / Port Control" than Program Control...
My suggestion is - what can't Program Control return to the way it worked in NIS 2011...