Exclusion List

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.



I'm trying to add files to the exclusion list so they won't  be scanned.

After a scan, when I  choose exclude and click on apply, the program stays on "processing threat" and nothing happens.

I've let it set for hours with no change.

The Help button does nothing, so I  thought I'd try here.





It's just certain cookies I want to  keep. Otherwise my system is clean.

I'm running Windows XP Pro Media Edition SP3 and Norton 360 ver




OK, I can easily get some "not so nice" cookies, and test this tomorrow. I have never previousl excluded a specific cookie check.

Hopefully tomorow I can

Hi Rico


Can you try closing down N360 then running the scan again, then try to exclude again. Maybe it has frozen or something. Let us know. If you would prefer not to have N360 scan and prompt for low risk threats such as these, you could go into Scan settings and change 'Always Ask' to 'Ignore' for low risk items.

I've had it set for ignore for low risk items. I just reset it again.

Ever since I installed it, it "refuses" to accept my ignore selection.  I have to click on fix, or it'll tell me that there are issues that need to be resolved.

N360 will not accept any other choice other than "Fix".

Ignore or Exclude just hang on "Processing Threat" and it shows "at Risk" until I  choose "Fix" for the cookies.

Any other ideas?



I appear to have reproduced your problem.  Let me be clear.


Steps to reproduce.


1. Go to settings from Norton 360 main window.

2. Go Virus & Spyware protection

3.Change default of automatically remove to "Always Ask" against low-risk security item.

4. close

5. Mouse over PC Security

5. Run scans

6. Select Quick scan

7. When tracking cookie found,it says There is a low risk threat,  select Exclude.

    Window says processing threat ; clicking refresh changes nothing, still says processing threat.

   System is NOT hung.

8. Scan will complete, it is possible to close threat window, but one risk will be noted in results as found, and not fixed and status of PC Security will now be at risk.

9. Clicking fix will bring back "Alert - Manual Fixes required.

10. Only selection of Fix will result in threat changing to "This threat has been successfully fixed."



Kindly confirm if above is exactly what you have or if you have different results or settings.

>>Window says processing threat ; clicking refresh changes nothing, still says processing threat.

   System is NOT hung.>>


Seems like the processing threat processes is hanging. cgoldman, is this what you have reproduced or are you asking him if this is his problem, I’m a bit unsure here.


My previous message is what I reproduced (albeit on just one machine). When I say system not hung, I mean the process was still running ok in windows task manager and it was not "Not responding". It may have ceased or it may have completed the attempt to exclude, but without notifying the user clearly. I cannot tell. It certainly is not good and surely not by design. However, it may be just cosmetic in that the programmer intended that this feature is not possible for say tracking cookies - I simply do not now.


The reason I asked for clarification, is that I changed my setting to "Always ask" rather than "automatic" and am unsure if the poster had the same or had set to "ignore". Hope that helps.



With the exception of #3, which i hjave set to ignore,  you have reproduced my problem.

That is exactly my issue i'm trying to resolve.



So, where to from here. Seems like you have both reproduced the same issue, and also in Rico's case the set to 'ignore' option seems to be failing altogether.


Hopefully now we will hear from a Symantec employee or Tony for further advise.


Great thank you for being very clear. I am not sure why with "ignore" it should even bring up choices, surely then "ignore" should just  flag that a low risk has been ignored? What do you think.


Moving on, there are no specific rules, I make them up as I go along. But if we can get another contributor to confirm the identical position, it would be preferable but not essential. If we can I would be happy at that point to directly relay the step by step instructions to a Symantec employee who I know will at least take a look. There may be no solution or workaround but its worth pursuing indeed.

What I am not certain of, to be honest, is whether such problems are likely to result in a patch or release prior to the release or beta of Norton 360.


Hopefully you are comforted a little to know that this is not your machine or you.


Also can you say whether the low risk your scan detected was a tracking cookie or something else. It would be nice to be able to isolate the risk. Finally, can you recover the deleted file from quarantine and restore and rescan. I may need to forward the low level threat together with the point by point instructions. If so would you kindly attempt to zip same and send it to me. If you PM me I will provide an email address for this purpose.

Message Edited by cgoldman on 07-23-2008 11:22 AM

It doesn’t put tracking cookies into Quarantine, just deletes them. Also, Rico’s problem was not the same as yours exactly cgoldman, as he has a different option checked. Maybe you could reproduce the results exactly as his settings were before you submit the report.

Indeed, indeed. I do not want to do anything until your goodself or another confirms either Rico's or my circumstances. I was foolish in not capturing the low threat level, and saving it off, so that I could restore and reproduce the issue on demand. This is why I cannot reproduce the problem on two machines. The machines are clean of such things and getting a low level risk is not that easy. However, if nobody else comes along, I'll work harder to get a tracking cookie again.


Thanks for the heads up on quarantine. I wasnt sure and am not at either machine at this time or when I last posted. (On this machine I am running McAfee virusscan enterprise 8. - no good for this forum!)



Johna ,


When you say its doesn't put tracking cookies into Quarantine was this based on your experience, or what you thought happened please?


In my case cookies are put into Quarantine.Please see my image my cookies. It is also possible for me to restore them.


When you restore, you get a warning and an option, Rico please take note, to exclude selected non-viral threats from future scans.


I should also explain that the cookie information shown by Norton 360 is not the actual cookie file but a combination of information. (thats another discussion one could have I feel, so I do not want to digress now).


On this basis, I can try to identify one or two of the actual cookies and save them off for testing.

>>In my case cookies are put into Quarantine.Please see my image my cookies. It is also possible for me to restore them.>>


This seems to be only a description of the risk. Can you show where they are in quarantine and restore?





Message Edited by johna on 07-23-2008 07:58 AM

taken to PM



There is nothing in Quarantine to recover.

Apparently, it just deletes them

FWIW, both of my laptops have the same issue.



Well the threats that I am detecting are Tracking Cookies and these are in quarantine and can be recovered. When you confirmed by point by point, I though we were talking cookies.  I can reproduce the problem at will at least with tracking cookies and have escalated this to a Symantec employee (this despite not having the double confirmation that I would have liked). I hope I was not too premature. It would help to know then exactly what low risk threat you are getting and if you can reproduce this issue. Presumably when you get to the option to exclude or fix, it tells you eactly what it has found? Maybe at that point you could find the threat and copy it off?