Facebook activities are not tracked


my son is spending a lot of time on facebook, but it seems that this activity is not tracked. Under "Social" on the activity screen, I still see "No activity for Last 7 Days". Is facebook not tracked at all, or can I see the log somewhere else?



[edit: adjusted width of post.]

Message Edited by MikeLee on 06-23-2009 06:39 PM

Hi oschroed,


OnlineFamily.Norton monitors the social networking activities of your kids on Facebook.  Please make sure you have the “Social Network Supervision” turned ON under Settings -> Social.




Hi Katie,


it is switched on, but it indicates that my son doesn't have a Social Network account. That's for sure wrong, since he has at least a facebook account. Can I somehow add this account to the settings, or is it supposed to detect this account automatically?







one more update: it's definitely tracking facebook, since I just got a notification that he wanted to share his phone number (nice tool! :-) ). Nevertheless I still don't see any activity on the overview screen under "Social".





Hi oschroed,


OnlineFamily.Norton detects social network Facebook account automatically.  I have sent you a Private Message.  Please access this message by clicking on the icon_notes_mail.gif icon in the upper right hand corner of the page.





On Windows OnlineFamily.Norton only detects social networking activity in supported browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer).  Do you know what browser and version your child is using?




Hi Adam,


he's using Google Chrome. So that's not supported and therefore OnlineFamily.Norton can't track it? Do you plan to support Chrome in the future?



Hi oschroed, 


I’ll check to see if it is already on our enhancement list.  If not, I’ll put it on. 




What should we expect to be tracked on the Social tab for FaceBook activity?


For example; there were over 50 hits to facebook today.  The Social tab shows one entry that my child logged in to the service. 


I was expecting to see what pages were viewed on facebook AND what was the "search queries" inside facebook.  I have found that there have been facebook users posting pornographic images, but if I block facebook, Norton blocking would be all or nothing. 


I would like to have searches and actual pages visted captured for later.  Is there something I'm missing or another way of doing this?

I have the same issue.

there is no detail activities link to facebook.

I can see that my daughter loggin but no other information.

Hi reshleman and Jacques,


Thanks for your inquires and suggestions.  We would suggest you setup a Facebook account and be a “friend” with your children.  This would allow you to get a insight as to what is on their pages.  Otherwise, the children's settings on Facebook would prevent "non-friends" from viewing their activities.





What should we expect to be tracked on the Social tab for FaceBook activity? 




The Social Networking Supervision captures any attempt to provide a false age during the registration process and the account name that the child uses.  Also, the program monitors and logs the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that the child provides over the social networking site.





I'm having the same issue with both Facebook and Google Buzz--OFN is not registering activity under the social networking tab even though the tracking feature is enabled.  Are you not supporting the Safari browser with the product?

Hi smpratt02030,


OnlineFamily.Norton supports following Instant Messengers to monitor Instant Messaging activity for your child:


• Yahoo Messenger

• MSN Messenger

• Windows Live Messenger

• AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) - (Note: AIM 7.0 is currently not supported.)

• Google Talk


OnlineFamily.Norton currently does not support Web browser based clients of Instant Messengers listed above and doesn't support monitoring Chat from MySpace and FaceBook.  It's on our enhancement list to support them.


We support the Safari browser for Mac OS.  Please see details at https://onlinefamily.norton.com/familysafety/help/system_requirements.jsp




thanks for the quick reply.  if you can add Safari for Windows to your enhancements list, that would be great.  it's a much more stable and dependable browser.



Will do :smileyhappy:


