Facebook Chat Transcripts

Can I view Facebook Chat Transcripts?


[edit:Changed subject to reflect issue.]

Message Edited by shannons on 07-25-2009 08:55 PM

csagstetter,  No facebook chat conversations are not recorded at this time.



Is Facebook chat and messaging (Inbox and Sent Messages) monitoring on the roadmap? Will there be notifications for keyword matches? Is there an anticipated release date for these features?

Hi cbinca7,


Thank you for your suggestion. We are aware of this need and we are working with our engineering group to see if it can be supported.

We agree!  Facebook Chat Transcripts would be of great help to parents!  In our house we have instituted a rule that friends can only be added from our child's school, unless otherwise approved, but friends are being added so fast that it is hard to keep up with them all..............knowing which friends our kids our chatting with (other than on the wall) and having the opportunity to look over chat transcripts for potential problems would be of great relief to us and would provide an avenue for trust to be built up in our relationship with our child.


Please keep us posted on any new developments!!