I get this problem every now and then, when I try to goto www.facebook. com or when I have already logged in to FB and doing something it suddenly displayes other website content.
Below are the details/behaviour
Web page title: Lundbladh
Different web site content: It is actually not redirecting to different domain/site, but it is displaying the web content of http:// sites.google.com/site/olundbladh/home (I got this link from the page source and when I browsed that site, it is exactly the contenet i am getting)
Change of IP address: FB's original domain IP is, but when I ping from prompt it gives
Auto resolve: When I reboot, it resolves automatically. Every tihng works fine. Some times i need to run two commands after rebooting "ipconfig /flushdns" and "ipconfig /renew"
Facebook Apps: I can still access facebook apps (apps.facebook.com/appname) from my bookmarks and history but still I can't go to apps.facebook.com (i need to give app name after that to goto to the app)
Norton: Most worrying thing is that despite safe web is enabled, my AV did not detect this. Even the browser(FF) is just seeing the url and saying "I visited this site before 4432 times" which is big worrying thing to me. What if this site does spoofing? I could get cheated very easily coz both brower and AV are thinking it is www.facebook. com
Does anyone encountered this problem before? I googled it some time back and seems like it is a dns lookup issue. but I wonder is this due to any virus? Is there any fix already for this?
[Edit:Removes hyperlink to external websites to conform with participation guidelines and terms of service]