FAQ : I do not want the vault unlock notification to be sent to my mobile device every time I launch the browser. How can I do so?
Answer : You can disable the Always perform Passwordless Vault Unlock on browser startup option present in the Passwordless Vault Unlock settings of the Norton Password Manager extension on your computer or Mac.
I am unable to find such option stated as solution. Please help.
Open your vault in your browser and click on Settings on the left. Then look for the Passwordless Vault Unlock on the right side and click on Turn off do disable that feature.
Hi Anirban_Kar,
Please follow the below steps to stop vault unlock notification been sent to mobile device every time you launch the browser.
- Open the Webapp/Vault in your browser.
- Click on Settings on the left menu bar.
- Check Passwordless Vault Unlock on the right side and click on Edit.
- Click on change device (it will let you edit that option)
- Uncheck the option Always perform Passwordless Vault Unlock on browser startup
- Click on Turn on button and click on Done
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