Message moved to the Forum feedback board for better exposure
Hi Symantec folk,
I've returned, after a long break, and the forum 'feels' and works so much better than it was about a year ago.
For example, it's a snap to include a graphic into a post compared to what I used to do (post the image to Photo bucket, copy the link and insert it into the message. Now all I need do is save an image to my desktop and I can choose size and alignment. Great time saver - plus it minimises the potential for broken links down the track. People might move an image in Photobucket and break the link to it on the forum - a pain, especially if the image captured something really useful / interesting.
I noticed that when I previewed my post, it (the forum software?) identified a broken link or other HTML fault and corrected it properly. I did not notice until advised during the preview. This must be a great time-saver and helps ensure external links (resources) aren't lost to the forum.
There are a few other minor technical issues that are incrementally helpful too ... but the most significant thing (achievement?) that stands out concerns the language (tone?) of the discussions. Perhaps it may be my imagination? It's just that the overwhelming majority of posts are respectful as opposed to being outright abusive (flame wars) to other forum users and Symantec staffers. It used to drive me nuts when the odd (mostly transient) forum user would think nothing of using highly personal, deeply offensive and derogatory comments about named Symantec staffers or the company. They appeared uninterested in working a problem and rather keen to verbally beat up others. Bullying is ugly and to the extent that it is tolerated, we are all diminished.
It isn't tolerated here at all and we are all the better for this.
Now, I see users taking time to help explain complex issues very respectfully. The forum culture continues to evolve - and it is very much alive and well. Such things don't happen by accident ... cue drum roll: you folk 'guide' the development of the forum this way. (If anyone was interested, the forum would be worth studying as a real world example of quality customer care applied in a real world, real time environment - must be worth at least one or two papers on business and HR practice, no?)
The forum was the single best web-based desktop security resource available ... and you folk have made it much, much better. It's not too hard to imagine that in the near future, we might see user initiated guides and research papers on the forum ... open to paid up Symantec clients??? Or the general public too I suppose.
To any new Symantec customers ... might I suggest that you return often to the forum? If you add this fantastic real-time resource onto your Symantec software purchase then perhaps you might agree that you have scored a windfall gain. Because the forum is so active, most people receive help very quickly from a number of different directions. Plus ... Symantec staffers monitor discussions constantly and intervene as required: either to you personally and or to the forum.
KUDOS to the forum designers, moderators and Symantec staffers. [See ... the KUDOS! button is ticked]
Greetings mcullet,
I have not been here that long and am surprised to hear that the atmosphere here used to be that different considering the technically motivated board that it is. I would think that negative banter especially without purpose would have a hard time sustaining life on the board as most contributors are here with specific tasks in mind, such as getting answers to their issues, learn about their products and participate in the forum.
Hopefully with the current community that is connected to this forum will continue to facilitate the flow of information that will not only help me to someday understand what I am doing { :) } but enable me to pass that information onto others that connect hereafter. So don't be greedy with the information, man :-) I look forward to reading your posts and learning everything you have to offer.
Take care,
[Edited for spelling]
mumford68 wrote:
I have not been here that long and am surprised to hear that the atmosphere here used to be that different considering the technically motivated board that it is. I would think that negative banter especially without purpose would have a hard time sustaining life on the board as most contributors are here with specific tasks in mind, such as getting answers to their issues, learn about their products and participate in the forum.
PMJI, but you know how it is on lots of other internet places (forums etc) when everyone has a perceived sense of anonymity - sometimes their less than desirable side, or their mischievous/unpleasant side, can come out, even when the subject is technically motivated as you said.
I wasn't reading or posting at this forum a year ago (I'm just a newcomer, the last couple of months), but the main difference I see here, compared to lots of other forums, is that here there seems to be pretty decent moderation - you know, some of those guys/gals with red names
who give us some tactful, pleasantly-worded pointers if we get too far out in left field or whatever.
Without that er, 'guidance' when necessary, forums tend to degenerate into knockdown-dragout free-for-all flame-fests with battles between the trolls-du-jour, while the regular posters stand back and watch the fight (or remove the page from their bookmarks, more likely). Personally, I don't get my jollies watching (or participating in) needless conflict which doesn't actually serve any useful purpose, but apparently some people consider it a form of entertainment.
IMO, it's much better to actually be able to learn stuff, which is more difficult to do amidst constant battles among various adversaries (trolls-and-bashers vs zealots-and-fanbois - one is just about as bad as the other), not to mention infighting and civil wars amongst people who should be in basic agreement with each other but they get into vehement disagreements about minor details etc etc.
Again it seems to me that the reason this forum is someplace where people can actually learn stuff, is because the mods (and many of the other posters too) are mostly polite/tactful and they try to keep things from degenerating into chaos.
It's not enough, IMO, to only have the posters themselves trying to do all the referee-ing, because they don't have the authority/capability to step in and edit inappropriate material or do whatever else is necessary at any given time, to preserve the peace - without effective mods, it doesn't take long before you get the usual flame-wars etc. While some people might think anarchy is a good thing, we have only to look to what happened during Hurricane Katrina (personal opinion follows) to see that anarchy really only benefits the scoundrels and troublemakers, not the everyday normal person. (Hope that's not too political but it's the only analogy I could think of that a lot of people around the world would probably be at least somewhat familiar with, since it was a major international news story and all that.) Anyway, I don't know what it was like here before, but if it's better now, I would say it's got to be the result of decent management and decent moderation.
(No I'm not trying to "kiss up" and I have no connections to Norton either, in fact there have been numerous times when I've been quite irritated with Norton software, even ditching Norton altogether on some occasions, but I have to give credit where credit is due. I may have issues with the software at times, but I still think the forums are run pretty decently.)
i hate forums where people ask questions over and over again and never give you any help. is this one like taht???
Everyone helps out with what ability or knowledge they have.But in the end it's up to the users of the forum to set the tone.
Stick around for a while and I hope you'll see that we do our best to be helpful.
Every public spot has it's occasional *bleeped* <g> but they are largely outnumbered and if their behavior is outside the Forum Conditions then they do get admonished .....
Howdy MineHeart,
As it is your first post welcome to the Forum. It's slightly funny that you did not have a question about any of the products but seem to be getting a pretty good response :)
I hope to be of some assistance to you and to learn some things from you as well.
There are everyday users (like myself) that want to help and learn. There are contributors that work in computer related fields. There are of course administrators/moderators as well as Symantec Employees from various departments that look over the forum discussions when they have time.
Some basic questions can of course get answered very quickly. Such as how do you turn this function off or something of the like whereas more complicated or not as common issues may take a little more time for people to have an answer or it may initiate contributors to request more information before being able to render assistance.
Again it's good to have you here I look forward to any future posts that you might have,