FF 28 with add-ons Norton Toolbar 2014.7.0.43 and Norton Vulnerability Protection

Now, when I open the newly-redesigned welcome page for Identity Safe and click on the tab General, the tab shows "extension disabled" next to Mozilla Firefox, my default browser.  If I click onthe link Open extension settings, I flip to the FF extensions page.  There, only one button, "Disable", is offered for both Norton Toolbar 2014.7.0.43 and Norton Vulnerability Protection


It appears that I am back in the familiar rut, in which Norton thinks it has designed a compatibility fix and Mozilla seems to think that there is no problem.


Yet the only way I can describe the current performance of Identity Safe is "erratic, unpredictable, and unsatisfactory".  Many or most web sites that used to work by automatically logging me in just don't do anything when I open them -- they don't react or just go into a catatonic state --, or else Identify Safe plants the wrong ID and/or password on it, and I then get into a loop of not being able to access the site without disabline Identity Safe.  :manfrustrated:


Anyone else experiencing similar results?   Thanks.