File and Printer sharing doesn't work after upgrading to Norton 360 v 2.0

Before the norton 360 subscription expired, I renewed the norton 360 software. After downloading and installing the  norton 360software, my ability to share files and printers has stopped. This same issue happened when I went to  norton 360 after upgrading from norton 2005. I think it has to do with the traffic rules or the program rules.


The other computer are using norton 15.5 and 16.2.


I have had the support delete norton 360 but the problem remains.





Hi Davidbelian,


To confirm: You are not able to perform file sharing even after removing/deleting Norton 360. Right?

Did you use Norton Removal tool for deleting/removing Norton 360?


If you have Norton 360 installed, check the My Network from the main window of Norton 360 and make sure that the other computers/network through which you share files and printer is Trusted. Also, check in the Firewall Settings > Network tab, and make sure that your network is in trusted category.






Yes, Norton support ran the tool to remove all Symantec software.


Looks like the problem is I had to add the network computers to the network locations and give their IP addresses.


It must have deleted them when we did the update.



