File Insight virtually useless

Now, I realize Norton is made up of S/W developers, and as such, aren't too bright, but wouldn't it make sense to provide users with a method of submitting or UNTRUSTING certain WELL KNOWN malware that the useless Insight lets through???  I mean, seriously. What purpose is the "Trusted" moniker when users have no choice or option to vote???  One of the DUMBER things I've come across.  Example. I recently got infected with the sneaky Search Conduit malware. EVERYONE with an IQ over 5 (read: NOT NORTON) knows this is malware and should be blocked. Of course, Norton let it through, and even insulted my intellience by say it was "trusted" by users, lol.  Not only that, but after I removed it using another company's product, there were still traces that were redownloading updates and components to it and each one was "TRUSTED" by File Insight and let right in.  It doesn't take a genius to realize it would be helpful for users to be able to UNTRUST certain files that are well known malware, especially given the high rate of misses by this product.  VERY poor.  BTW, this is NAV 2014