One of my stores cpu's hard drive crashed. I'm trying to see what files where saved in the online backup.
How can I access those files from a different store cpu?
One of my stores cpu's hard drive crashed. I'm trying to see what files where saved in the online backup.
How can I access those files from a different store cpu?
Hi Jake,
This could be easy or it may be more difficult to do depending upon your situation. For now, let's refer to the failed CPU as "system 1" and a "different CPU" as "system 2"
System 1's online backup is associated with the Norton account it had been using. In order for another system (in this case system 2) to be able to "backup to/restore from" the same online backup account used by system 1, you need to ensure system 2's online backup was also activated with the same Norton account. If this describes your situation please follow these steps from system 2 in order to restore from system 1's online backup set:
NOTE: If you haven't installed N360v2 on system 2 yet, please do so and be sure to activate online backup using the same Norton account you used on system 1. Be sure to also use either the same product activation key you used on System 1's N360v2 or a new "never used" one.
1. Launch the Norton 360 display (via double clicking the "Norton 360" icon on the desktop)
2. Hover the mouse cursor over the "Backup" category and click "Restore Files"
3. Click "Change" under the heading "Restore From"
4. You will now see a list of "backup sources" from any computer name that made an online backup using this same Norton Account
5. Select the appropriate source and click "OK"
6. Now select the files you wish to restore from this backup set and select the restore path
7. Click "Restore Now"
If however, system 2's online backup was activated using a different Norton account than System 1, there isn't a way to change system 2's N360v2 to use the same account used by System 1 (or any other Norton account). This also means system 1 and system 2 were using a different product activation key since you are unable to use multiple Norton accounts per product activation key. In order for you to accomplish your goal of restoring from System 1's backup set using System 2, you would need to:
NOTE: This assumes you do not have any other Symantec product installed
1. Uninstall N360v2 from System 2
2. On XP: Click "Start"-->"Run", type "regedit"--> click "OK"
On Vista: Click the windows icon-->type "regedit", press "Enter"--> click "Allow"
3. Click "File"-->"Export..." enter a file name and click "Save" to your desktop (this is to create a backup of your registry just in case the wrong data is deleted)
5. Make sure "Symantec" is highlighted, click "Edit"-->"Delete"-->"Yes"
6. Click "File"-->"Exit"
7. Reinstall N360v2 and follow the first series of instructions starting with the special note.
Hope this helps,
One of my stores cpu's hard drive crashed. I'm trying to see what files where saved in the online backup.
How can I access those files from a different store cpu?