Firewall causing major issues with Internet

Well this has taken a while to work out where my issues are coming from.

A couple of months ago I was having issues with my internet provider, it was running extremely slowly, over this the same period I built a new PC. The provider fixed the issues in my area and all of the other internet capable devices in my house went back to normal with the exception of my new PC.

When I switch the PC on, the VPN will connect with no issues and my network ports are connected, however opening a web page, running Steam or any other online service can take 10 minutes, and sometimes not at all, to connect. On top of that the internet connection will drop out frequently. Obviously I thought it was my new motherboard as the other 3 PC's and 1 laptop in my house all have Norton installed and are having no issues.

This evening I tried disabled Norton Firewall, not something I want to do leave my PC without, and any and all internet connections issues immediately stopped. Web pages open instantly, as they should with a 1gb connection, Steam runs without issues, I even checked my daughter's Genshin Impact account, no issues there either. I re-enabled the firewall and all internet connections went down again.

I disabled internet cost awareness on the Firewall settings as that seemed like the obvious one but it didn't help. What other settings could be causing this issue?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help


Great news. Glad I could help.

Thanks for posting back.


I knew it wasn't the VPN as disabling that was one of the first things I tried. I just never considered the firewall. Resetting worked a charm though.

Thanks worked a treat, don't know how I missed the reset button in the first place.

All: As a test, disable the VPN from loading at startup, reset the Norton firewall and reboot. If the issues disappear the VPN is the cause of the issue. I also run a myriad of steam games and two multiplayer servers without issues on Norton installations. I never use the VPN due to the issues it causes, the main two are connectivity ( steam blocks the connections even when excluded ) and the VPN server kill my bandwidth. Just an added suggestion as a test. 


Resetting the firewall so will clear all entries including the one that might be causing your issue.  To reset the Norton firewall, from the main 360 screen click on Settings - Firewall. On the General tab, click on Reset beside Firewall Reset. Restart your computer. As you use programs that access your network/internet, the firewall rules will be created again.