Firewalls and settings for new users

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Hi mo,


You can leave the Firewall on the default settings and let NIS 2009 take care of things for you. That would certainly be best for a new user. I actually have mine on the default settings.


There are some folks here on the forums who like to make adjustments to their Firewall settings and there is nothing wrong with that.


The only time you might have to make an adjustment is if a program experiences connectivity issues. But that would be rare as the NIS 2009 Firewall is pretty smart.

Sorry mo, I forgot about your other question.


If you have no problems connecting to the internet, leave remote access connection manager alone.


You can read more details here.

Hi Phil_D

Thank you!!!!not only for answering the queston but the link was a great help.I have XP but I assume thats still the same answer to my queston.I have another thing to ask but will PM you.

Cheers Mo

Hi mo,


Yes, the same information about remote access connection manager would apply to XP.