Forum Admins Locking threads so no more comments or solutions for the 2 double systray ICONS can be found RENAME NORTON 360 to....NORTON 180

Surprisingly (NOT) the forum threads under this subject (WHICH NORTON HAS FAILED TO RESOLVE) are locked by forum admins, and I wonder why this occurs?

Norton has not produced any real solution except gibberish and registry edits that do not work. The internet is rife with users who have had this problem after NORTON updates.

Maybe if NORTON INSOURCED SUPPORT AND POROGRAMMING we might get an actual fix (it is coding of the program that causes this-not windows or Microsoft that techs who ca n't fix claim).

I have been told by NORTON support to go to MICROSOFT for a fix seriously what kind of yahoos is NORTON employing, only to tell them go to Microsoft? Really?

I seriously would like to have someone relly post a real fix. I suspect that there has not been one posted because the only real fix will come from within NORTON CODERS, who apparently can put out fallable and buggy poroducts, that "work" after removing and reinstalling, for any problem. Don't believe me just look on the forums here and you will see that the R&R sol,ution is prevailant like a 13 y/o with acne. Techs want to remote in (suspect they just want to collect info from your machine) and do not fix it. How else can you justify your job , other than spending 2 hours with a customer, remotong in and have the system go up and down for 2 hrs, gthen tell the customer can't fix go to microsoft.

Its time for NORTON to fire the lazy hacks, and coders who are building in job protetction . If not true, why does since 2009 Norton still have this problem? I don't know but would welcome the real solution, tip or trick so I could make my DOPPLEGANGER go away and release resources. Good protection, but at what cost....

I do have one suggesation, after updating Norton they should change the name to Norton 180......take your money, and then send you to Malayasia for support that appears to be  no support. NORTON 180.

Please send solution that works-Norton

[edit: clarified subject]