I'm not sure just where to put this suggestion or exactly how to word it. Let me try and explain what I mean or what I would like to suggest and feel that it is badly needed to be implimented. I realize that I am just another user really. I've been reading many different threads while I spend a lot of time in this Forum. I have noticed that a lot of new users do search thru the different sections of the Forum looking for solutions to their problems. This is all fine except in one respect. I have seen in the announcements section for NAV/NIS and in N360 instructions telling the users to do this. I feel that there needs to be a further instruction in that Announcement section. There needs to be a warning in those instructions that a User should not try to fix Malware problems on their own based on the same name of a malware problem that worked in the past. I don't know what the exact wording could be, but after reading thru many threads, I have seen Users, especially new ones, who say they found another thread and it says to do this or that and they do what it says in that thread. Then they post and say they followed the instructions from a prior thread and now they have all these problems.
I guess what I am trying to say is that there needs to be a warning in the Announcement Section not to try and fix the malware problems by themselves based on what was read in other threads especially when the symptoms that they have are bad ones. I don't mean to step on anyone's toes here and I don't really know just what the proper procedure would be for this suggestion. I did see though that it asks how to make this Forum better. It's a great Forum now, but I hate to see Users make their computers worse or their problems worse because they searched for solutions that sounded like their problem in this Forum, but it didn't work and it made things worse. I feel there needs to be a warning to Users not to search for solutions to malware problems and not to try other solutions that worked for one particular computer and person in the past. The new user should just state what the problem is and the symptoms they have. It's bad enough when some Users search the web trying to find a fix and try different things on their own. These Users need to be warned not to do the same thing in this Forum and to wait for people who are qualified to help them with their particular problem.
I hope it's ok that I tried to state my feelings about this topic and hope that some kind of properly worded addition to the Announcements section can be added so that some Users don't make their problems worse by trying solutions for malware problems that were done in the past. Thanks in advance for any consideration of this matter.