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I'm just curious as to what else Symantec offers for PC other than NIS and NAV. I've heard about Ghost, AntiBot, SystemWorks, and 360 but I don't really feel like I KNOW exactly what each program does and whether I need them to begin with. 


I've got NIS 2009 which I know is more indepth than 360.  However 360 has registry cleaner which NIS 2009 lacks (unlike McAfee).


Then SystemWorks has registry cleaner and it's apparently more in depth in that area than 360 is.  


So all in all I'm confused. It seems like Norton 360 is jack of all trades but master of NONE.  And that to me doesn't really sound like a good product.  Another thing I noticed is that SystemWorks comes in 3 different levels. And the higher levels have aspects of Norton AV and other Norton products which further adds to my confusion. I don't want to get something redundant but I want something that is thorough.


Basically I think Symantec needs to revamp the product lineup and make this CRYSTAl CLEAR so that anyone who's interested in their products knows exactly what they need and what program will do it for them.


Also I think Norton SystemWorks should be included in NIS 2009 since to me a Suite should have ALL components necessary to keep your PC healthy and without Registry cleaner and all those other features NIS isn't all the way their yet in terms of absolute perfection.   It's good...REALLY good. But of course it could be better.  You could include SystemWorks in NIS 2010 and still sell it as a stand alone product for those that simply want NAV, Ghost, or w/e else you offer.

In general terms: 


All-in-one P.C. Security: Norton 360 - Tune-up, back-up, Norton AntiVirus, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Confidential. 

P.C. Security: Norton Internet Security - Norton AntiVirus, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Confidential*.

P.C. Security: Norton AntiVirus - Anti-Spyware, Intrusion Prevention, Auto-Protect, E-mail and Instant Messaging Scanning, In-bound Firewall**.

P.C. Security: Norton AntiBot - Protects you computer against Bots.

P.C. Tune-up: Norton SystemWorks: Basic Edition - Enhance your computer's performence.

P.C. Tune-up: Norton SystemWorks: Standard Edition - Enhance your compter's performence, including Norton AntiVirus.

P.C. Tune-up: Norton SystemWorks: Premium Edition - Enhance your computer's performence, including Norton AntiVirus and Norton Save & Restore.

P.C. Tune-up: Norton Partition Magic - Organise your hard drive, as well as run other O.S. on your computer.

Back-up & Re-store: Norton Ghost - Protects your computer with advanced back-up and recovery.

Back-up & Re-store: Norton Save & Restore - Back-up and restore.


And of course there is Norton AntiVirus 11.0 for Macs, as well as Norton AntiVirus Dual Protection and also Norton Confidential for Mac.s in the Mac section.  


Then you have got Products to protect your mobile/smartphone in Other.


* - In Norton Internet Security 2007, 2008, 2009

** - Not in Norton AntiVirus 2009; in all Previous Versions before Norton AntiVirus 2009

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 09-14-2008 12:27 AM
Message Edited by Floating_Red on 09-14-2008 12:42 AM