Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
This happened for the first time today; the solution Symantec support gives is totally inadequate, meaning LiveUpdate does not rectify the problem, and recommending unchecking "scan compressed files" seems to defeat the purpose of scanning: it leaves potental vulnerabilities if any of those files were to be compromised. Meaning the suggested solution is really no solution at all. This is, according to a Google search, something that has befallen a lot of home users.
Please respond with what Symantec is doing about this obvious glitch and provide me clear steps to fix this annoyance.
Thank you.
Please don't post multiple messages about the same problem -- it's very confusing.
Please answer my reply to your other message here in this thread since I'm still not clear what you are talking about.
If you dealt with Symantec with on-line chat or on the phone you should have a case number. Please quote it in your reply so that a Norton Staffer (names in red) can look it up and see what happened.
I purchased my license in May...
this is related to the error, 3038,107 question.
i'd rather not have to go through with a reinstall...
I'm afraid I don't fully understand you message and the problem -- could you explain it in a little more detail and include the version of Windows you are using including Service Packs and the version of, I presume, Norton Internet Explorer.
When you talk about "reinstall" are you referring to the Norton produce to to reinstalling Windows which I agree is something to be avoided if possible.
What was the situation that led to the error and what do those error numbers come from?
Please help us to help you.
Please reply to this message in the other thread you started since there are already two messages from you there. It does not help to make mulitple posts.
Merged two threads, as noted, please keep all of your posting about one issue in the same thread.
This is a long-standing glitch that's Symantec's responsibility to fix: just do a google search. I thought Symantec folks would know this one, so my apologies if I gave you a less than detailed description, but know this buddy: I'm this close to quitting Symantec for good, k?
Here's the deal, again: Doing a full system scan, and the scan quits before it's finished, giving this error: 3038,107
I'm using Norton Internet Security 2008; Vista; SP1
This problem just started today.
Hi skribe,
Sorry to confuse you, but as a member of the Community Moderation Team, my job is to manage forum traffic. My posts will not contain information from technical support or customer service. Sorry, but I'm here to keep the forum organized and running smoothly, I'm unable to provide comment on tech support issues.
....now sending this thread back on topic....
well symantec staff should know this 3038,107 error also has the description: "0x800706BE," which is related to this other post in this forum entitled: "NIS 2008 Error 0-800706BE Symantec Service Framework stopped working" for which there are 72 entries and...
in that thread a symantec staffer named matt says there is a whole team of symantec people working on this since may; but no solution yet. however, it's related to the add-on pack.
how stellar...
there better be a fix quick or i'm quitting symantec forever.
this is ridiculous.
I’m using Norton Internet Security 2008; Vista; SP1
I suggest that if you have already spoken with support on this issue, and I think I am correct in gathering from your thread here you were instructed to run Live Update, and this failed to fix the problem, then to save fussing around with this you should now go ahead and uninstall your NIS using the Norton Removal Tool , then reinstall the product, then run Live Update, several times if necessary, until no more updates are left.
I can understand you being frustrated at this point in time, but I suggest we start again here and see if this resolves the problem. If not, we can trouble shoot the matter further.
how can i possibly reinstall it, if after uninstalling it, there is no application left to do a setup?
i purchased a license in May with extended download service but now on the order page, there is no way to download anything.
plus, i think i'll wait for a symantec staffer to answer these questions.
If you still have the license code, or product key, it will be easy to reinstall. We will give you the link to download the product.
Do you still have the product key? If you look in "My Documents", you should find a folder named "Symantec". This will have the product key.
skribe wrote:how can i possibly reinstall it, if after uninstalling it, there is no application left to do a setup?
i purchased a license in May with extended download service but now on the order page, there is no way to download anything.
plus, i think i'll wait for a symantec staffer to answer these questions.
Hi Skribe,
It's clear that you are feeling really frustrated - shows in your posts. You are most welcome to do whatever you wish. As a fellow user, might I suggest that you reconsider how you treat others on the forum?
The symantec tech support folk use best practice techniques to resolve problems. All of us (me too) want our particular issue resolved yesterday. If it doesn't happen ... well, we might say things that we would prefer not to have said at all. In my experience (about 25 years), Symantec tech support are world class practitioners. When you have a broad perspective you tend to appreciate what you have in the hand. On this site, you also have the support of fellow users ... and none of us are paid or affiliated with Symantec. We are enthusiasts for the most part who are happy to help out ... some contributors have formidible skills.
With respect, maybe you might tone down the rhetoric?
As for the specific error ... 3038, 107 - you are correct, it's been around for ages. Do you know why? All complex programs have error handling routines. They differ from program to program but generally these help developers identify where in a program (class / object / line etc) things went belly up. 3038, 107 is pretty generic and means the program encountered an internal error - ther can be many reasons for this: some related to Symantec and others unrelated to it (for example - bad disk cluster / windows updates / video drivers/ motherboard BIOS / drivers etc. Do you see it's not a simple, single sentence issue.
You claim that Symantec have known for years about this is sorta true and sadly misunderstood by you. It's an error handling message.
When I download software I make a backup (keys / install files) - it's computer use 101. If you did not do this and the software falls over (as often happens) then you can sort it out with symantec support.
BTW - the hex error code 0x800706BE comes from Windows - remote procedure failed. You can get a free repair tool from this site - nice fellow from the looks. Don't know if it works as claimed ...
The advice you were given about doing a total un-install and clean re-install is very sound. I'd recommend you follow it. You know, sometimes you have to expend a bit of effort to keep things working despite the best efforts of you and everyone in the universe :)
Hope this works out for you.
Hello. This is my first of hopefully very few posts. I received the NIS2008 "Norton Antivirus error (3038,107) as well. First: It is neither safe nor practical to disable compressed file scanning because that defeats the purpose of having the software in the first place. Second: NRT is not the catchall fix that many have been led to believe. Third: Every problem is not the fault of Macro$haft Microsoft. I don’t like them, but I won’t throw poop on their door just because it’s the ‘in’ thing right now. Now on to my personal solution…
I went the Email Support route four times and never received a solution. I went the chat route and that was abysmal. My PC was tinkered with by three reps and a supe who had no clue what they were doing with NRT or Vista and they fragged it pretty good (so no way will I ever use that again). The people on there are not technicians and it glaringly shows.
I’d say your best option is to go the trial and error route as I did. I performed ‘Run Custom Scan’ on all my fixed and removable drives, except the C drive. Then I went thru all the C drive folders. I found the problem with my PC in the Program Files/WinAmp/ directory. There is something about the MILK files that didn’t agree with NIS2008. So I uninstalled WinAmp, rebooted, ran NAV and it ran straight on to completion.
I don’t think there is a hard and fast fix for this particular error. But Norton/Symantec would serve us better by getting more ‘real’ techs in their Support Departments to cut down on all the misinformation and ‘NRT happy’ activity.
I had the same problem (error: 3038,107) and the framework problem also! I tried to do the sollutions symantec supported, but nobody of them worked, so then i tried to find the sollution on google, but couldent find it… so i tried to solve it by my self after a while. When i did the full system scan i noticed that it got stucked in a folder of mine … and i checked there … i did know that this was a program i had downloaded witch is popular and i did know that popular programs offen have problems with trojans … so when i realized it stopped there i did the thing i dident want to do from the beginning i uninstalled the program and everything related to it. When i downloaded the program from the beginning norton dident find a virus or a trojan in it so i thought it was safe, So when i hade removed the installation of it i did the scan again and it was completed and found the trojan in the file. So i then delited that file also and now it works fine for me! I hope this can help anybody out there having problems with 3038,107!
it keeps tripping up, meaning full-scanning seems to get stop/quit/get stuck on old microsoft update files in this folder: C:\Windows\servicing\packages\
that's the MS Update folder as far as i can tell, but the specific MS update files full-scanning seems to get stuck or quit on are from January and they change each time full-scan stops and the error is shown.
a microsoft message also pops up saying something about the "symantec framework has to close" or something similar to that paraphrase.