

This is about a website I've been using for a very long time which is now being blocked by Norton ConnectSafe - which I've also been using for a long time. This happened yesterday and the site is www[dot]fullstuffs[dot]com which I often use for downloading things.

Why, if I click 'I want to visit the site anyway', can't I so so? It seems from the report that the site is being blocked due to the possibility of downloading 1 PUA! I use a download manager for....downloads (unsurprisingly) and it's set to scan files with Norton on completion of downloads. When installing, I always use 'Custom Install' when available along with 'Unchecky', so I don't often get junk installed although nothing's 100% perfect!

Does Norton contact sites when they're blocked by ConnectSafe? Is my only alternative if I wish to continue to use FullStuffs - and I do - to stop using ConnectSafe? I'll try to add a couple of screen shots so that you know what I'm seeing.