Get rid of "Low storage" warning

Norton Backup keeps warning me I have low storage space. I know that. I have 75 GB of space I can use, and I am using 73 GB. I am not going to use up 2 GB of additional space any time soon. But the Norton tray icon has a red exclamation point, and the Norton 360 home screen nags me also. Also, the "Backup" button does not show the usual options, such as "Backup now" or "Open web view" (or whatever, I can't see it now). Instead it only shows "Fix now." I don't need it fixed. It's as it should be. 

Problem is that the red x in the tray icon is a false positive, preventing me from knowing if I have real errors. And the "Fix now" button prevents other commands. All it does is open a window with a link to "Manage backup sets." 

Make it go away. 

I tried to get tech help from Norton rep Himanshu P, but after forever he took over my desktop and turned off Backup. That was his solution. Right, like if I have a car with a broken headlight, he is telling me not to drive the car. Seriously?  

I guess Norton is trying to nag me into buying more storage space. Instead, I will just dump Norton. 

Norton 360, v.

Windows 11


9wood, thanks, but it's not a Windows notification, which I can click "Don't show again" (which usually means it won't show again for a week or two and then it starts bothering me again). It's in the app itself, and also the tray icon (yellow box with a checkmark in it) shows an exclamation point, which usually is an alert that something is wrong (e.g. virus scanning is turned off, or I'm being attacked or something). 

If you look at the screenshot I attached to my original post you can see the warning in the app. 

not sure what he was trying to solve made no sense to me, anyway mine shows 10gb space size its turned off

sometimes at top right of the pop up alert theres a x if you hover over it sometimes not allways gives option for close, dont show me again for example

not sure if that is something you see when you mention this notification or not

Maybe, advertised capacity and actual capacity vary.  
Maybe, formatting takes up space. 
Maybe, some space is lost to system overhead.


I have backup set to automatically back up files. I don't want to turn it off. I want to use it! But as I have 1.5 GB of space available, which I don't anticipate filling in the next year, I just want the nagging to stop.

I only have one backup set: the default. Any new files that will be backed up will likely be 1/2 MB or less, as the only files I expect to add are text (Word) files.  I would have to add more than 1,000 one-megabyte files to get close to maxing out. I don't expect to be doing that in the next year. 

The whole purpose of Backup is to protect my files in case of disk failure. I don't need more space right now. If I get to within 1/2 GB of free space I will consider off-loading some larger files that I will back up some other way.

I don't understand what switching to Classic View solves. It also nags me about low storage. I'M AWARE OF THAT. It's not an issue. 

This shouldn't be so hard. 

Since, you're opposed to Backup off.  Have you considered (from your Norton account) deleting a backup set that is no longer needed? =>

Are you familiar with switching My Norton dashboard to Norton 360 Classic view?

Norton 360 plans afaik do not offer adding storage space. 
You'd need to upgrade your Norton 360 plan to a higher plan to get more storage.

Fix problems with storage space in Cloud Backup

This problem occurs if you have fully used your online storage or if you do not have enough space for your online backups. 
You can either,

  • Upgrade to the next higher plan to get more storage. (or) 

  • Remove the previously backed-up files and free up some space

You can delete a backup set if it is no longer needed. You cannot delete a backup set if only one backup set is available. However, you can create a new backup set before you delete the old backup set.

Make it go away. 

afaik => free up space &or Backup off will make "it" go away2

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