Ghost 10 - error ED800012

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

This is very frustrating.

I'm using Ghost v14 to backup my entire system about 3 months ago.

Yesterday, I need to recover some files

Guess what? I'm using Ghost to open those "ghost image" and every single one gives me the error  ED800012

Can someone please give a "workaround" to get my files back?

Or do I need to use a different backup software?


Thanks in advance,


Well, some good news.  This was an issue that was fixed in Ghost 14.0.3 which just was released a few days ago.  So run LiveUpdate and update Ghost to the latest.  This should resolve the issue and allow you to get to your images.

That is good news. I hope it will fix my issue.

Those files I'm looking for are pretty important.

I will report the outcome after live update.



1) Anyone knows what is the "possible" cause of that error?

2) I have verify backup checked. Should I uncheck it?

3) What if the live update does not fix the error (I really hope this is not the case)?

I am having this problem as well.


Full system back up (VISTA 64) using GHOST 14.0 I bought at Best Buy. So I dont know the version (at work now) but can't  update the GHOST System disk anyway. I lost my system to corruption during new hardware installation. My back up was 4 days old on a 300GB internal SATA drive. The OS was on RAID 0 array. Hardware not software. The disks are fine and checked by fresh os install and chdsk.


The error comes at about 20% into the recovery. There was one full back up and one update file. tried restoring both.


I had customer service on phone directing me along. Last advice was to move the back up file from internal SATA to an external. Easier said than done. External drive is FAT32 and doesnt support large files. Vista doesnt support patition magic....and all this i discovered on my own. customer service just told me to move file and never called back when they promised to.


I brought the external drive to work. installed partition magic on xp machine and succefulyl converted to NTFS. When I get home i will TRY to move the file to the external and restore. One more note, I tried copying the file from inside the recovery console. it had an option to break file up into smaller parts. it failed at 20% with same error!


Customer service implied this was a known problem they were seeing but didnt elaborate more.


I am freaking out btw and starting to realize EVERYTHING is lost.


Oh no, there is still bad news.

I went ahead and run a live update (successfully).

I crossed my finger and open Ghost Explorer to restore my file.

Guess what? no more error ED800012

BUT there are few new errors

1) EBAB0013 - this pops when I open a "full" backup file which is set once a month

2) E0BB0116 and ED800019 - these two pop when I open a "incr" backup file which is set daily

These errors happen to every single file.


Is Ghost an unreliable product?

I'm gonna try Acronis True Image to see if I run into some error ...

Invalid file structure or corruption.  Other descriptions about the file but basically the same thing.  This is a .V2i file that was backed up to an external HD and verified and creation.  I also tried accessing the file in Ghost 12. Is there a utility to rebuild or repair the file.





I too has the same problem unable to recover the system, when i did the backup it was successful.

I tried your sugesstion am using ghost 14, did an update to ghost 14.0.3, but recovery still fails with the same error.

I can see the files and folders in recovery browser and able to restore files and folders, but system recovery is the issue.

It is really really critical for us to have a system restore, as we had re-formatted the machines based on the backup status.


It looks like some kind of bug in norton backup and restore programs, had seen posting at couple of places with exactly same error with other symantec products, like backup exec etc, 


As we can see or retrive the files and folders there should be a way to get this thing working too (system restore).



There are many potential sources of file corruption.  After working on a backup product for a while you gain the understanding that the file systems that we have are not as robust as we would like to believe or even hope that they are.  And I've found that backup products often get blamed in this situation even though they are not the source of the corruption.  The biggest problem is when an image file becomes corrupted, how can you get data off of it?  And the answer depends entirely on how corrupted the image is.  Sometimes things are irretrievable. 


So, roentgen & faro_sam, the first thing to try is to see if you can get into the image file with the Recovery Point Browser.  This utility is available both from the start menu in WIndows in the same submenu as the Ghost.  It is also available, if you boot the System Recovery Disk (SRD).  If you can get this far and look at files with this browser then you probably can recover some data.  You have a choice to pull out files out of the image and restore them.  Or if you are trying to recovery the entire system you could create an blank active partition and try copying all the files out of an image with the browser into the blank partition.  {The alternative would be to use a computers system restore disk (which usually wipes everything out in the process), then copy all the data files into the restored OEM image.}


Alex1, yours is a different problem.  It sounds like something is messed up in the configuration of Ghost.  I would first suggest that you try running the FixInstall.bat that is in the C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost directory.  Be sure to reboot after this as the driver that does most of the magic for us is only loaded at boot time.  Hence, you have to reboot for any changes to take effect.  After you have done this, try taking another base or in other words start a new Recovery Point Set.


One last tidbit for future reference, I've also learned that one backup is not a good practice -- you really want to have a minimum of three generation backup to truly backup your system (this applies to all backup products regardless of the vendor). 

No, there is no utility to repair corrupted files.  But some times there are workarounds.  So, to better understand the situation, let me as a few questions first.  How are you accessing this image?  What are the steps leading up to the error message you are getting?  Also, do you have more than one backup?  If so, are you getting the same error accessing them?