Ghost 12 and tech support chat software

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Hi Scott -


Did your problem get resolved?  Or are you still having trouble reaching Chat?


- Samantha 

Yes, thank you.  I was able to chat via Internet Security 2008.  It took tech support several hours to resolve my problem with Ghost.


I recently upgraded Norton Internet Security 2007 to 2008.  I first uninstalled NIS 2007 and Ghost 12, then installed NIS 2008 and Ghost 12 again.  NIS 2008 is working fine.  Ghost 12 will back my documents folder but will not make a baseline of my hard disk.  It writes about 5 GB and then give Error EBAB000A: can't write to .....  (there is plenty of disk space on the destination drive).  This has happened consistently so I went to tech support web site and tried to start a chat session.  The first time the browser had me download software but it failed to install.  There was a previous version of the chat software installed so I uninstalled that and installed the new one again.  Now when I click "Chat Now" it gets stuck checking for support software.


So, I can't get to tech support to discuss my Ghost 12 problem.



Hi Scott,


You may want to try accessing the Chat through the NIS 2008 product; this might be a better way to use the Chat feature. Also, which browser and version are you using to access Chat? This might also be a factor.