Ghost 14- Confused- Please help

Sorry in advance for my stupidity, but I have been reading for two days, and this is giving me a rather large headache. *embarrassed*


I installed Ghost 14 two days ago, and I cannot figure out what process I need to use to do what I need it to do:

I use Windows XP Pro, SP2.

I want to back up my whole "C" drive (operating system, programs, everything) to an external usb drive. (already formatted & partitioned)

I want to do this weekly, manually, & I want it to overwrite the previous backup each time.

I want to be able to copy the backup from the usb drive back onto my "C" drive if my "C" drive gets goofed up, and be able to be right back where I was before it got goofed up. I hate reformats & reinstalls!


The Copy Drive Wizard sounds like what I think I may need to use, but it says "This wizard cannot be used to copy to a network drive or removable media". Isn't a usb external hard drive considered "removable media"?


Please... give me some guidance on what exactly I need to do to accomplish my goals.

My "C" drive is a sata drive, and the usb drive is an IDE drive, if that matters.


One more question- since a usb drive is not bootable, how can I check my backup afterwards to be sure it will be a workable backup?


Thank you so much in advance! I'm really not a stupid person, just confused and paranoid about having a safe, funtional backup for my computer.

If you need any other information from me, please let me know & I can supply it.

Thanks again!

Message Edited by shadow98fl on 11-04-2008 01:19 PM