GHOST 14 Error ebab0013 running job

OK - I am running Win XP, SP3 on a Dell XPS 410. My BU destination drive is an external USB NTFS 1TB.

A reply that I came across was:





My Ghost is

When trying to run "My Computer Backup" (C:\) I get 2 errors:

   "   Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unepectedly CHECK failed, Ntfs File Syste::Validate Compatibility: .\NtfsFile System.cpp(558):pOtherFs!=NULL.   "


The Source drive (C:\) has 182 GB used, 46GB free

Destination: Free 167 GB, Used 624 GB, other 141 GB


I have removed other USB devices, unchecked the setting to "?check _____ after backup completes?" .


It sounds to me like the destination drive is about full. I have changed the "Limit versions for backups" from 6 down to 2.


If that seems to anyone to be the crux of my error messages, what files can I delete from the destination drive? (I've always been confused at the naming conventions.)

Hi DonG,

When you run a backup of your computer it will create "Recovery Points" consisting of .v2i files and they will be dated.

To show the file extensions change the view folders in XP. If you look on the external drive you will see a list of these files and you could delete the oldest.

In addition you could open Ghost and go to "Tools" and "Manage backup destination" then "Settings" and un tick the box to "Monitor Disk Space". 

Try that for now and get back to us if you are still experiencing problems.



   "   Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unepectedly CHECK failed, Ntfs File Syste::Validate Compatibility: .\NtfsFile System.cpp(558):pOtherFs!=NULL.   "

In addition to Deric's recommendation, this error can sometimes be caused by another backup application trying to use the Symantec VSS Provider, which Ghost uses during a backup. You may want to look through your programs and see if any are any other backup programs installed. Sometimes computer mftrs or external drive mftrs sneak them on to your computer.