OK - I am running Win XP, SP3 on a Dell XPS 410. My BU destination drive is an external USB NTFS 1TB.
A reply that I came across was:
My Ghost is
When trying to run "My Computer Backup" (C:\) I get 2 errors:
" Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unepectedly CHECK failed, Ntfs File Syste::Validate Compatibility: .\NtfsFile System.cpp(558):pOtherFs!=NULL. "
The Source drive (C:\) has 182 GB used, 46GB free
Destination: Free 167 GB, Used 624 GB, other 141 GB
I have removed other USB devices, unchecked the setting to "?check _____ after backup completes?" .
It sounds to me like the destination drive is about full. I have changed the "Limit versions for backups" from 6 down to 2.
If that seems to anyone to be the crux of my error messages, what files can I delete from the destination drive? (I've always been confused at the naming conventions.)