Ghost 14 impossible to run backup

Welcome.I love Symantec Company.

I am using Ghost 14 and impossible to run backups on my XP based machine.

I am try to uninstall N Ghost 14 with Windows uninstaller,reinstall N Ghost-no way to use backups.

I am use Symantec uninstaller next reinstalll Norton Ghost 14,download update for that product,next reboot machine because icon is missing-No way to use Norton Ghost.

Here are error message from that product:  Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error E7B70001: Win32/Win64 API DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_VSNAP_SET_SNAP_VOLUMES) failed. Error EBAB03F1: The device does not recognize the command.

I am use two HDD inside machine.

One for system one for backups.

I am format my backup drive -before install Norton Ghost 14 it is clean.

I am try to contact customer service /chat/  from Symantec- about six time to try to resolve that problem-no way -i think ignorance?

And i hope somebody from Symanter read that message.,

Four days i am try to contact Symantec help and? Nothing.

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We are experiencing higher than usual service times. Please wait and an analyst will be with you shortly.

And i love Symantec Company.....

My next product for sure is-is Symantec ????? Or ?

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We are experiencing higher than usual service times. Please wait and an analyst will be with you shortly.



[edit: Clarified subject to reflect moved post.]