Ghost 14 not recognizing USB hard drive in system recovery

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Furthermore on the same topic.... Under the recovery environment (that Ghost 14 created) no USB units are identifed. I tried plugging in my normal USB memory sticks and none of them got mounted.


So, here I have an external USB hard drive with my backups on, but I cannot use them.



I apologize; I moved this message out of the thread before I saw you have another thread already posted on this subject:


I'm locking this thread; replies will be posted to the above thread. Thanks! 

Except for the mouse there are no other active components connected to the USB ports.

Printer and scanner are turned off.

Is the HDD connected to a hub?  Is this a laptop or desktop?  Did you run driver validation after installing Ghost?  It could be a driver issue.  If it's connected through a hub there could be a powering up issue and I recommend directly connecting the drive.


Hi Erik,

the HDD is connected to a USB connector at the back of my desktop.

The following are the steps I took to test recovery:

Insert Installation Disk
Turn on External Drive
Restart Computer
Press key to boot from CD
Message: Welcome to Symantec Recovery Disk
click "Recover my Computer"
click "next"
Recovery Point to restore
View by Filename
Find Recovery Point
Browse by computer
Select External HD disk (J:)\Images\filename.v2i
new screen with Recovery Point details
Source recovery point
created: date
spanned: yes - 2 files
Computer name: name
Restore anywhere: not licensed
Drive: Hard Disk 1 (C:)
Size: size
File system: Fat32

click "next"
Recovery options
select "verify recovery point before restore"
select "set drive active (for booting OS)
click "next"
Summary Screen
select "reboot when finished"

click "finish"
Progress screen
verifying image integrity
validating image data
after 2 minutes of progress:
enumerating devices
scanning kernel symbolic links

new screen
Error E7D1001E: Unable to read from file.
Error 00000002: The system cannot find the file specified.

click "OK"
the system restarts.


Is this of any help?


Fred F

Definitely.  The problem isn't with Ghost recognizing the USB drive.  It literally cannot find the file you are pointing to.  This can happen if the file has been deleted off the drive, but the index still points to it (when you go through a recovery it uses the index to list out the recovery points).  Can you verify that the file you are specifically pointing to exists on the drive?  Did you manually delete a .v2i or .iv2i file from that drive at all?



I saw the existing thread on this subject but it seems still unresolved.

I have exactly the same problem.

The main reason I upgraded from Ghost 2003 to 14 is what I thoughtwould be compatiblity with USB drives.

I am creating the system backups on my ext. USB HDD. (The reason for the external drive).

Now the recovery system does not recognize this drive and I cannot restore my C drive.

My external HDD is a 500GB GForce Fantom USB 2.0 HDD.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated

I can open the file in Windows with the Recovery Point Browser.

When I search for a recovery point in recovery mode, I can find it on the External drive, select the .v2i file, the program will display the details, telling me how many spanned files there are, which drive the recovery point is for etc.

I don't think it would know this info without the actual files being open.


I wonder if the option to validate the recovery point should be unchecked.

Might this be the problem?

What I was trying to get at is that what you see in the recovery point browser and within Windows Explorer match.  If you could validate that, it could help discover why the error occurs.  Unchecking validate recovery point may or may not help, but it won't hurt to try.


Another thing to try would be to mount the image from within the recovery point browser and run checkdisk on it (this option should be available within the recovery point browser).


Hi Erik,

I tried your last suggestion, was able to mount the recovery point from within the browser, but Chckdisk will not run on this mounted drive.


Anyway, I tried to recover one more time with out RC validation.

It tells me it is recovering, gives the minutes remaining, they are decrementing, then bingo, the same problem.


It seems that the external drive suddenly gets dismounted or whatever.


To be on the safe side, I had copied the RC from the ext. drive to my second internal drive and tried recovery from this drive.

It worked without a hitch.


I had also made a new image using Ghost 2003 and copied it to the ext. drive.

Tried recovery from it, it went halfways through and then quit with all kinds of error messages.

So, I recovered again using the original Ghost 2003 image from my second internal drive and all is fine.


Something is deactivating my USB drive in the middle of an operation.

Curse, curse. I don't know how to tackle this problem.

Just have to rely on DVD and or my internal drives.

The problem with DVD is that it requires too many disks for a full backup. That's why a bought this Fantom GForce 500GB ext. USB drive. Might as well scrap it.


Thanks for your help.

Fred F.

Maybe it's a problem with the drive.  Try replacing the drive and see if that makes a difference.  Unfortunately there won't be any system logs to look at with this problem.


I only have a USB 1 connector on my machine.

That's why I purchased a PCI to USB 2 adapter card with 6 connectors.

I switched the HD to a different connector and updated the driver that came with the card.

Then I tried Recovery again.

First I did a driver validation with the installation disk. No new drivers required.

Then I booted from the installation disk and started the recovery environment.

It recognized the external USB drive OK, found the RP, and started the process.

At some point, the progress messages flash too quickly to read, I get the error window again:

Error E7D1001E: Unable to read from file.

Error 000003EE: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.


After that I tried to read the drive with the included browser still in the recovery environment.

It could read and open the RP fine. and all other files on the disk.


I gave up!

Uninstalled Ghost 14, reverted back to Ghost 2003, and tried to recover. Ghost 2003 had no problem recovering from the ext. USB drive.


That leaves only 1 conclusion. I'd rather scrap Ghost 14 than the drive and chalk the wasted money up to experience.


Fred F.



That should have worked.  Do you have the make/model of the PCI card?  Firmware revision (if known)?  We can try testing on our end and see if there's something that we need to take into account.


It is a ULTRA 6-Port USB 2.0 PCI Adapter Plug-in card (ULT31500)

with 4 external and 2 internal connectors.


It came with a driver CD but the system (Windows XP Pro SP3) found its own drivers in

\Windows\System32\Drivers\usb.....sys and are dated 2008 (came with SP3)

The ones on the CD are named ousb.....sys, dated 2002 and are not signed.


Hope this helps.


Fred F.

Thanks Fred.  I've passed this on to our development team for them to test with.