Ghost 15 Errors E7D1001F & 00000001

I've been using Ghost 15 since it became available on several pc's in my home.

I've created the custom srd and use it to both backup and restore.


I had used Ghost to backup and restore on my media center since June of this year without issue.

About a month ago I developed a backup problem on this pc.

Backup of C to either D or E fails with: Error E7D1001F:Unable to write to file  Error 00000001:Incorrect function.

The progress bar gets to around 50-60%, jumps to 99% and displays errors.

I've run the srd from a cd and usb flash with same results.

I've also tried the setting "ignore bad sectors during copy" with same results.


I've made no program changes to the media center that I haven't made to the other 5 pc's in my home and they all backup and restore properly.


Windows 7 x64 2gb ram.

OS drive is 60 gb ssd. (about 4 months old)

D:\Movies and E:\TV Shows is each a 2tb hd. (about 4 months old)

All 3 drives are ntfs.

I've run chkdsk on all 3 drives and no errors are found.

D & E are defragged and each have  at least 1 tb free.

I've run memtest on the ram and no errors are found.

This is irrelevant since the OS isn't running when I try to backup, but D & E have everyone and guest accounts permissions set to full control in Sharing & Security tabs.


The media center works flawlessly except that I can't backup the OS drive with Ghost anymore.


I've tried Active Disk Image and it backs up and image verifies with no problem or error.

I'd rather stay with Ghost, any ideas?