I've recently started using Ghost 15 on a DELL 64-bit W7 Pro PC. My backups appear to be fine. The restore points verify fine. I can run the recovery point browser and restore individual files fine. However, when I try to mount the C drive recovery point (right click on the recovery point file (mypc_C_Drive.v2i) in Windows Explorer and select Mount) I get:
Mount recovery point error E98F0032
I can successfully mount the DELL Utility drive (mypc_DellUtility0-1_Drive.v2i). I'm not sure if I need to be concerned as I feel comfortable using the recovery point browser to extract and restore individual files.
I get a similar problem using the Recovery My Files task and selecting Recovery Point in the Search pane. I can search for files in the mypc_DellUtility0-1_Drive.v2i file but not the other one. In that case I get a RPAM_ERR_MOUNT_FAILED pop up message.
I did a search on these issues and a few others have experienced it. One resolution involved re-installing W7 SP1, which I refuse to do for obvious reasons. Another suggested checking the Symantec Volume Snapshot Service is installed and running. Mine was installed but not running (it was set on Manual) So, I started it then tried again but it didn't help.
Should I be concerned? As I said I'm happy to use the recovery point browser to restore specific files as it works.
PS: I've been a long term and happy user of Ghost for many years on various PC's and it has saved my bacon a couple of times.