Ghost 15, two problems: Clone drive can't boot, Data partition diapeared!

Ghost 15, two problems: Clone drive can't boot, Data partition diapeared!


So first use of Ghost 15, tried to clone the C: drive to a new drive, worked but not bootable, which I figured as I got an error the first time I tried it, something like 'set drive active is not campatable with this version' which I couldn't figure out, so I left it unchecked and wouldn't you know, it's not bootable. I've got to work around this, I think I'll have to use the windows start disk and repair. BUT that is not the main problem.


My D: Data drive disappeared. It is not a seperate physical drive, it is a partition of Disk 1 (same disk as C: which is probably why Ghost screwed it up.


My intention is to use the 160 GB drive (currently F:) as the boot drive and use the two 2TB drives for a Raid 0 (Or whatever one is just a duplicate, each drive with the same information).


So How do I get my D: drive back and how do I set up the RAID when I am done? I built this computer myself so i have some knowledge of how to do this but I guess just enough to get in trouble!


Thanks for your time.


My system:

Core i5

8 gigs RAM

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit


Three hard drives (all formatted GUID for some reason, it just sounded interesting, I guess):

Drive 0: 160GB WD One partition. Configured as F: (cloned from C: to be the future C:)

Drive 1: 2TB WD Two partitions. C: (boot) and D: (data)

Drive 2: 2TB WD currently unused.