Ghost 15 Windows 7 restore problems - Help!

I have read the posts on restoring Win7 partitions using Ghost15 but I am still having problems.


I have 2 identical hard disks -

The running, working one has an E drive of 100meg - Healthy System, Active Pri

and a C Drive  - Boot, Pgfile,Crash xxx, Pri (forgot what the xxx was)


I use Ghost 15 to back up both drives on one job, boot from a copy of CD w/drivers, Delete the new drive's partition,  and then restore the E drive, followed by the C drive.


After this I do not seem to get a bootable working drive, although it seems both E: & C: drive are in the one partition. 


Neither Drive had MBR checked when restoring, although when I checked it for the E drive, it still did not boot.


Any suggestions appreciated. 




When you made the backup of the two drives as one job, Ghost would have made a system file (forget the extension now). One thing to try is to delete all partitions on the target drive and then use the option to restore the system vs. restoring individual images. It looks for that system info file ad recreates all the partitions etc. from their constituent images based on the configuration saved when the images were taken.

Philipm - I am pretty sure I used the "Restore Original Disk Signature" option when I restore the E: drive but not when I restored the C drive. Is that the option you were thinking of?


Disk signatures are part of all Windows operating
systems that Norton Ghost supports. Disk signatures
are required to use the hard drive.
Select this option if either of the following situations
are true:
■ Your computer's drive letters are atypical (for
example, assigned letters other than C, D, E, and
so forth).
■ You are restoring a recovery point to a new, empty
hard disk.

The system index file you mentioned is .sv2i. It is not created when you do a cold backup though.


The 100MB partition should not have a letter assigned. This is the System Reserved Partition or SRP.



As far as WIndows 7 restore options..


For the SRP

Verify recovery point before restore
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
Set drive active (for booting OS)
Restore original disk signature
Restore master boot record

For Win7

Verify recovery point before restore
Resize drive after recover (unallocated space only) (ONLY if you want to)
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery



Reference Brian_K's POST.



redk9258 ,


 Worked like a charm!    E drive's not hidden, but it wasn't to start with.




Thanks to Brian K for his post. That should be "stickied" to the top of the forum..