I would like to recommend the following product enhancement for Ghost.
Currently there are backup drive management functionality to limit the number of recovery point sets per drive and drive space optimization. This is all very good.
However, there is one addtional enhancement in this area which would make Ghost even better.
Currently you can do manual recovery point consolidation through Manage Backup Destination. An example: you have a base + 10 incrementals and you want to consolidate. At the end of consolidation you have the base + 1 incremental and the other 9 incrementals are removed to free up some backup drive space.
How about an option to automate this process?
My idea is: have another option in Ghost where the user can tell Ghost to do automatic recovery point consolidation on a per drive basis after X number of incremental points?
This is the exact same thing which occurs when you manually do consolidation, only now it is fully automated.
Thanks much