Ghost15 Sys Recvr CD does not see Bkup drive

Vista Home Premium laptop crashed after the latest April 2012 OS updates.  Now get a Fatal System Error. Safe Mode will not launch.

Trying to Restore from my external USB drives.  Laptop has 3GB RAM and 330GB? drive.


Original drive with Restore Points is a 3TB Seagate GoFlex drive.  I originally had trouble completing my backups to this 3TB, then about 1 months ago, the backups started to complete without error messages.  Irregardless, I copied the Ghost Backup folder onto another 2TB GoFlex drive today.  However, neither drive can be seen with the Ghost Install / Sys Recovery Disk. I do not have a Customized SRD with any drivers that might be necessary to see these disks.  Is this even necessary?


Using the Original Ghost CD, it takes 2 hours just to get to the System Recovery / Recover My Computer wizard.  I cannot Map any other drives;  cannot see them to assign a Drive letter.


How can I Restore my entire C drive that has all my data? 

How can I see the 2TB external drive?