Goodbye Norton, it was great while it lasted! I am leaving after 30 years

I have been using Norton products since I was a teenager in the 90s, when PCs had 1024K of RAM (yes, kilobyte) and Peter Norton himself appeared in front of the box (for young people, software was distributed in boxes at that time). Almost 30 years later, I decided to divorced. I wanted to switch since a decade ago, but I try to see the good points in this long lasting marriage. But when LifeLock bought Norton, it was the beginning of the end. Marketing department seems to have taking the lead, I am fed up of being ask to buy a new subscription for a service I don't need and, moreover, I don't trust LifeLock as security company.

Thank you for all these years! 

PS: For those who are curious, I swtich to Kaspersky (before you mention, it does matter for me that it of Russian origin, if that the case, who can guarantee that the NSA does not... you know... US products).

I will also be leaving when my sub expires. Recently attacked twice by hackers via FB Messenger friends. Screen frozen, spyware placed, malicious pop ups and Norton just sat and watched. Techie who purged my machine said Win 10 security is better. Made that comment to Norton and got no reply. I guess they know it.

US companies exist independently of the government.


AT&T Room 641A

Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility operated by AT&T for the U.S. National Security Agency, as part of its warrantless surveillance program as authorized by the Patriot Act. The facility commenced operations in 2003 and its purpose was publicly revealed in 2006

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T on January 31, 2006, accusing the telecommunication company of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA)

I have been using Norton products since 2005. I saw many backloops and worst behaviours in Norton. It's time to quit Norton & moveto real good AV product.  Norton LifeLock advertised it as a great security software but the reality is NOT. One of the worst antivirus software. Especially check these 3 key aspects,

1.   It doesn't accurately detect wide range of Viruses. Most of them are detected by Machine Learning. (e.g. Heur.AdvML.*  and Trojan.Gen.MBT) Many non-virus files are detected by this and this is too much annoying to us. Every time I report those samples for False Positive to Symantec/ Norton (Who knows whats the relationship between Broadcom symantec & NortonLifeLock even after the sold, Even Symantec creates all it's core engine and regular updates for Norton. NortonLifeLock is just a cover up only. Even not a virus is suspicious, This company is suspicious.) Actually, I reported more than 500 samples. Hey Norton listen, We purchased your (Norton) products to protect our PC, not to submit virus files and report false detections to you every time to improve your company. What are you thinking man?

2.  Some of the malware not removed by your worst product, For removal I don't reach your helpdesk, I can manually remove or Kaspersky is best to detect all malwares accurately and remove. Even If i contact, you guys are saying that I must have auto renewal plan to get your support for free. Hey are you joking? What the worst behaviour? Shame on you!

3.  Few times alert notifications are not working properly. Some Very big notices like your WiFi is not safe, use our VPN (as an advertisement). It takes 1/8 part of the computer screen. Don't you even know how to build a good user experience. Is this the way you're developing products and running a company?


Guys, I recommend Kaspersky. It's unbeatable. It can detect Viruses accurately, As I mentioned above, It won't detect good files as malicious by it's Machine Learning. Kaspersky has very huge Online Intel Network, It has get updates and Actions immediately. Else use Bitdefender. It's also good as Kaspersky, but uses more computer resources and Big update size.

Maybe instead of fearmongering you should focus on fixing your product which has become worse than most hijack trojan viruses.

I hear you. I'm on the same boat, Norton user for many years, it has become a money pit for users. The $124 they want is ridiculous and stratospherically high. I think the protection in Windows 11 is good enough. LifeLock is killing the golden goose.


PS: For those who are curious, I swtich to Kaspersky (before you mention, it does matter for me that it of Russian origin, if that the case, who can guarantee that the NSA does not... you know... US products).

US companies exist independently of the government.  Russian companies exist as Putin allows.  That is why there have been so many warnings about the Kremlin's perceived ability to leverage Kaspersky software for its own purposes.  That's not to say that US companies would not voluntarily cooperate with a government request, but Kaspersky is in the position where such cooperation would not need to be voluntary.