Thanks, I ran this and it confirmed that the only extension installed is 'Norton Safe Web'.
Just to clarify my original post the popup appears to be for a Norton Extension. My question is what does 'Norton Google Chrome Protection Alert' (I also get a similar alert when using Edge) give me in addition to Norton Safe Web and why only the option to install from the popup and not the dashboard.
When I check from the dashboard 'Norton Google Chrome Protection Alert' is not shown as an option and anyway I'm shown to be fully protected with 'Norton Safe Web' already installed.
Clicking on "Install Now" from the chrome protection alert that is shown -> will take you to "" page with below extensions -
1. Norton Safe Search - This extension configures your default search provider as "Norton Safe Search" and search results will be annotated
2. Norton Home Page - This extension configures your browser home page as
3. Norton Safe Web - This extension offers Protection features against Dangerous / Malicious / Phishing Sites
4. Norton Identity Safe - This extension offers Password manager feature for your browser
You will get more description you visit the landing page.