Graphics display issues within ALL NORTON 360 GUI WINDOWS!

Issue abstract:

Detailed description:
I am having Graphics display issues within ALL NORTON 360 GUI WINDOWS!
It started about 3-4 weeks ago, after a Norton update where they changed the layout of the windows slightly to a new style.

My graphics settings are set to default recommended. The graphic drivers are up to date.

I had no issues with Norton 360 until the new update in 2025 that slightly changed the style and layouts within ALL the NORTON 360 GUI windows.

See attached screen shot.

Out of the hundreds of programs I have on my laptop. NORTON 360 is the only application showing this issue! Since it’s cutting off about 1/4 of the text on the right, it makes reading the messages, and displaying all the settings IMPOSSIBLE! I can’t even open the Norton settings display and see what values the settings are at!.

Product & version number:
Norton 360 Deluxe

OS details:
Windows 11 Pro Version 24H2
OS Build 26100 2894
What is the error message you are seeing?
\No error message, just a graphics display issue within all GUI Windows.

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

I figured out how to fix it in this updated version of Norton 360.
I was having trouble reading the very small text on my laptop screen so about a year ago I had changed the Accessibility Text Size from the default value of “100”, and slid the slider up to “150”.
This slider is in Settings, System, Display, Advanced Settings, Accessibility, Text Size.
The previous version of Norton 360 had NO ISSUES with this Text Size set to “150”, however this newer version of NORTON 360 doesn’t like the Text Size to be set to 150.

So unfortunately until Norton fixes this BUG within this newer version of Norton 360m I
am going to have to set the text to 100 to view Norton 360, then set it back to 150 when I’'m not Looking at Norton 360 so that I can read the rest of my laptop!

I hope Norton will address and fit ths issue soon with a new update!!

Hello James. Unfortunately. The issue isn’t with Norton, text and magnification set for 150 will diffuse what you see with that setting. Albeit some users may require larger text that is a user specified setting the Norton products do not have any control of. Besides text what resolution are you using on the laptop? I use 1920x1080 without any issues and 100% text scaling.


I was actually using 125% and that worked fine with the previous version of N360 but quickly realized that anything larger than 100% didn’t work with version 24, so I leaning toward this being a bug in the new version. At least I hope so and that it gets fixed.

I have the same problem but my display settings say that I have not increased the size of my text. I can’t do anything with my Norton.

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I went into my display settings on Windows 11, changed text size to 103, hit APPLY, then changed it back to 100% and it now displays properly.


Sounds like the suspected Windows issue after all.