Hi. Suddenly, I have green check marks (and some red exclamation marks) on all my icons. Guessing this happened after a windows update. Don't know what is adding the check marks, or what it means, but suspicious it is a Norton thing. Can anyone confirm? Even better, can anybody tell me how to get rid of it???
Sean, this is new to me. I assume you are talking about your desktop. The behavior sounds viral to me; wait and see what others say before you worry too much, but I do recommend you do a virus scan. What kind of security software do you have?
Hi. It was definitely a Mozy thing. I was able to go into Mozy options and disable the check marks.
As an aside, I'm pretty happy w/ Mozy. I haven't the discipline to back up regularly enough to an external drive, plus don't want to carry it with me everywhere I go. Mozy is $5 per month, backs everything up (I have about about 120GB, but amount is unlimited) at noon EVERY day like clockwork invisibly in the background. Used to be terrified about what would happen if I lost my laptop, now doesn't bother me because I can go to another machine to access all my data which is backed up online and download it onto a new laptop as soon as I get it. Highly recommended...
I had exactly the same problem. I tried to follow your lead by going into Mozy options to disable the checks and exclamation points, but I could not find the appropriate place to do this under options. Could you tell me a little more about how you did this?